Christmas Gifts for my Wife? HELP! Free Frag!


Active Member
Last christmas, the kids okay I (since the boys are 8 and 6) purchased my wife one of those digital picture frames for her office at work. I then purchased a memory card and uploaded a bunch of pictures onto it and placed it in the picture frame, so when she opened it up and plugged it in, it went straight to the pictures, no need to mess around with setting it up. She LOVES that thing.


Active Member
Sunny Vacation somewhere.. That's always nice..
Maybe Italy or somewhere she has mentioned wanting to go?
- Greece
- - Rome
- - - Place w/ Eiffel Tower.. How come I can't spell P--aris?
Give her a Luggage set with Plane/Cruise tickets..
That would be an awesome gift.


Active Member
pa ris is a spam word for pa ris hi lton
if she likes her camera, get her one of those printer docks so you can print up your own photos at home :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
pa ris is a spam word for pa ris hi lton
if she likes her camera, get her one of those printer docks so you can print up your own photos at home :)
got it last year


Active Member
is there someone in her familiy that she was close to that has passed away?
If so, your local park is probably selling tree dedications in memory of loved ones. We did this for a friend of ours last year and it was awesome.


Active Member
Okay...let's see here.
Books!!!! For those who love fish.
The Complete Guide to Dwarf Seahorses in the Aquarium (Complete Guide) (Hardcover)
by Alisa Wagner Abbott
The Complete Guide to Dwarf Seahorses in the Aquarium (Complete Guide) (Hardcover)
by Alisa Wagner Abbott
2.) Seahorses: Everything About History, Care, Nutrition, Handling, and Behavior (Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals) (Paperback)
by Frank Indiviglio
3.) Buy a 6 or 12 month house cleaning service
4.) make personal "Honey Do" certficates, such as
~This coupon good for evening dinner out for 2
~Full Body/Back Massage from your's Truely
~I'll take the Kids for the weekend
Make the coupons personal and print them out on you home computer.

These will definitely go on my wish list


Most travel agencies have weekend gettaway packages,Take her on a weekend to the bahamas or to the virgin islands.There both very nice this time of the year. Most air ports have specials on Air line tickits. Alegent Air has 150.00 round trip per person tickets to places like Vegas ,Californis ,etc. Also I took my girl to New York last Christmas,nice dinner out ,shopping and Ice Skating at rockafeller square,She loved that.
Well good luck


Active Member
All good suggestions! Trip won't work. If we travel, it is to our house in the keys. Already going in Jan, March, May, July, Sept. She has never used the $300 spa/massage gift certificate from last birthday. Hates leaving the kids.
Doesn't want house cleaning because she hates people to go through our stuff, but that is still a contender! Little tough because we both work out of the house, so the house gets clean and dirty in a 3 Xs a day cycle. No one has died recently. Her Dad is 86 ex Master Sargent in the Marines and still does 100 push ups and 100 sit ups a day, I will go before him. Her Mom is 75 and teaches yoga and ballroom dancing 4 Xs a week. There is a good chance they will both out live me!
Some body is going to nail it! T316, you come up with a letter from WCA saying my daughter is in and I will deliver the clam!
Keep em coming!
Thanks all!


Active Member
If she doesn't like leaving the kids, pack up and go to an amusement park, those are always fun for all ages


Active Member
Has she ever spoken about something she used to do when she was younger and now maybe doesn't for lack of time? Was she artsy at all? I know that's one a lot of people give up, or maybe she was musically inclined. You could enrol her in private artists' lessions and make a little gift package of materials she will need. Pottery is another great one, even if she dosn'ty know the first thing about it if she doesn't mind getting her hands a little dirty working on the wheel is a Great stress reliever. I think these creative things are often given up in way of life's more "serious" pursuits. :)

ric maniac

Active Member
how about an elipticle (sp?) machine. they are the running in place things but not a treadmill. get her a new puppy! a new watch, a new car, a new laptop, a new girly tool kit (my mom loves them
) a yoga set, a membership to a local yoga/ pilates place like the YMCA. some house plants (if she is in to that kind of thing) a new camera, a new T.V, a panini (sp?) grill, a bunch of good books, a new couch, a jewelry container, a new dresser, a perfume case, a pond for the yard, a new old fashioned pink bike, and i will have more suggestions soon. (i want the free coral


does it hafta be expensive? Cause I saw a Thomas kinkade puzzle a few minutes ago. But it was round like a globe. Omg gorgeous! It was only 30 bucks though.
a nice photo album.
either you can put in all your pics or she can.
Hmmm what else.
Whatchoo wanna spend?


Active Member
i have no use for the frags but i think an awesome gift would be the pamper basket as mentioned above
maybe throw in some gift certificates for massages or like i gave tobin once one of the 'personal 'coupon books with ones for massages and other stuff (he used all 20 of them in like a week)


Active Member
Grumpy, if she like coffee or tea, a Tassimo or some other auto cappucino maker is the ticket. My wife simply loves the thing. Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for.
