Christmas Gifts for my Wife? HELP! Free Frag!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
All good suggestions! Trip won't work. If we travel, it is to our house in the keys. Already going in Jan, March, May, July, Sept. She has never used the $300 spa/massage gift certificate from last birthday. Hates leaving the kids.
Doesn't want house cleaning because she hates people to go through our stuff, but that is still a contender! Little tough because we both work out of the house, so the house gets clean and dirty in a 3 Xs a day cycle. No one has died recently. Her Dad is 86 ex Master Sargent in the Marines and still does 100 push ups and 100 sit ups a day, I will go before him. Her Mom is 75 and teaches yoga and ballroom dancing 4 Xs a week. There is a good chance they will both out live me!
Some body is going to nail it! T316, you come up with a letter from WCA saying my daughter is in and I will deliver the clam!
Keep em coming!
Thanks all!
Does she love the great outdoors?
have you gone to Alaska?
My family lived in Fairbanks for a year and a half. A family friend flies a cub plane into the bush. When was the last time you went camping?


Active Member
since she is getting a new sink, how about things to go into the newly remodeled bath. towles, rugs, soap dish.
What about a charm bracelet with charms that have meaning in her life. I have one with all my kids, hubby, parents


Active Member
Bath excessories is good. Charm bracelet is full, full, full. We actually have another one for our 10 yr old girl that she doesn't know about. We add important momentos as they come up and will give it to her on her 16th Birthday or wedding day with a letter explaining them.


Active Member
no jewelry!?!? are you crazy? diamonds are a girls best friend...

Why don't you just ask her what she wants?


Active Member
Dont know of it was mentioned or not but I got it...
A gift certificate all paid for no matter what she chooses to a day spa. Complete pampering for the entire day, topped off with a full body massage at the end. No woman can say no to that...


This is quite possibly the best idea EVER!!!! at CVS you can get any picture you wanted printed onto a plate!!
HAHAHA.... how could she not love a picture of you doing something outrageous while she eats?!?! Golden... lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Uncheels
This is quite possibly the best idea EVER!!!! at CVS you can get any picture you wanted printed onto a plate!!
HAHAHA.... how could she not love a picture of you doing something outrageous while she eats?!?! Golden... lol

Ding ding mind is now racing. I will check into that!


Active Member
Well now I am going to look like a tag-along. But have you thought about making a calendar for here with the kids pictures on it? Most Printing/scrabbooking software will do it. You put the kids pictures as the picture for the month, then throw a few kids pictures in on the actual calendar portion. She gets to look at it all year and the pictures are of your kids so they are priceless.


You said she likes to exercise...but doesn't need equipment.
What about giving her some different type of "exercise" lessons such as horseback riding lessons?
I manage a horse farm and you wouldn't believe how many middle age women are so jealous that I get to be around the horses for my job! They all have some sort of kid horse story they remember.
It's different and is exercise and will get her to meet new people as well.


Active Member
Her sister is a horse freak with two in Greensboro. Shows every weekend. I need to avoid that financial burden though!


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Originally Posted by DeMartini
no jewelry!?!? are you crazy? diamonds are a girls best friend...

Why don't you just ask her what she wants?
I have asked her and she says "nothing". The worse possible answer on the planet! She really does enjoy giving though. She starts shopping Jan 1st for next year. I once bought her a new car as a surprise, but it is not time for that. She is also blinged out!


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
write her cheezy poetry and put it in a cheezy book. And then read it to her somewhere romantic.
You got to write it to get the frag!
edit: P.S. just joking!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
She really does enjoy giving though.
is your wife the charitable type?
main site-
heifer international is a charity that lets you give the gift of a farm animal (or animals) in someones name. the recipients of this animal pass on offspring to others in need, and use the animals for food, clothing, goods to sell to increase their income, etc.
last year i gave two flocks of chicks in my cousins' names.


If she's the adventurous type, get her a Sky Diving jump, or a 30-minute flying lesson. Cost you under $200 for either. Unless she gets hooked....


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
You got to write it to get the frag!
edit: P.S. just joking!
oh a serious note, if she has all the stuff she wants, I'm sure you'd get brownie points for being romantic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
If she's the adventurous type, get her a Sky Diving jump, or a 30-minute flying lesson. Cost you under $200 for either. Unless she gets hooked....
I could take her up flying for you....but if she gets hooked, hang it up and prepare to give up your wallet. You think that tank gets expensive???