Christmas Time and Burning Candles?



Is it alright to have lighted candles in the same room as your salt tanks? I always have candles this time of year, and I thought some where I read that you shouldn't in the same room as your tank?
My living room is big, like 24 X34. Would it be safe to have candles burning off and on? :notsure:


wow, I am really interested in hearing these replies. I have never heard that and I always have candles going where my tank is. In fact, I have a candle sitting on top of my tank!!!!


Active Member
for about 3 years we smoked in the same room as our fishtank, we were heavy smokers. it did not seem to affect it all that much at the time, but after we quit smoking in the house (kids) i noticed that my water was clearer and my corals and fish seemed healthier. I am not sure that the same thing would happen with candles, and i am sure that as long as it is not 24/7 it won't be that bad for your tank, especially if you have a good protein skimmer and adequate filtration. however, i would not have one directly on top of the tank while it is burning, just to be on the safe side of things


Active Member
Burn em all yu want its not gonna hurt a thing. Where all this paranoia comes form is beyond me. Smoking in the same room can give fish cancer, do not paint i nthe same room, do not deep fry as it gets on the water surface etc etc etc ..........


Active Member
I don't think it won't hurt any but I am against having any candles being lit especially if you're not around to watch out for them. There was a house fire on Thanksgiving Day a couple streets over from my home that started in the LR then quickly spreaded to BRs and kitchen that left 2 ppl homeless. All from a single lighted candle. A neighbor who happened to be the Fire Chief drove by on way to get ice cream saw the house in flames and called in the FD.
Their poodle survived the fire and their cat didn't.


Active Member
Typical answers for a forum, totally non related to original question. Question was if the smoke or smell can effect a tank, not if it would possibly burn a house down! duh!


Thanks for the reply's...nice to know that I wont hurt my fish by having candles going. And I only place them where there is NO chance of catching something on fire, and I never leave them unattented.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Typical answers for a forum, totally non related to original question. Question was if the smoke or smell can effect a tank, not if it would possibly burn a house down! duh!
You can't be totally sure if you are answering an adult or a child. And the things we leave unsaid can make a difference, too.


Active Member
Well your welcome to be the worlds baby sitter and ann landers but in all reality the questions posed on forums and answers received usually do go south when somone takes it ontheir own to add a totally unrelated twist to the topic......I sure do not mind answering a question, but keep it on topic. Weather or not the candles arte attended to or not is irrevalent to what was asked......Its like If I fil my tank with water and blah blah blah..and they you reply yes, but be carefull not to trip with the bucket of water while doiung it, do not pull tank over while filling, do not spill on hardwood floor............REALLY there is a limit........I bet you vote democrate if yur of age! Yet another that can not think for themselves and in need of majopr guidence thorugh their life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Well your welcome to be the worlds baby sitter and ann landers but in all reality the questions posed on forums and answers received usually do go south when somone takes it ontheir own to add a totally unrelated twist to the topic......I sure do not mind answering a question, but keep it on topic. Weather or not the candles arte attended to or not is irrevalent to what was asked......Its like If I fil my tank with water and blah blah blah..and they you reply yes, but be carefull not to trip with the bucket of water while doiung it, do not pull tank over while filling, do not spill on hardwood floor............REALLY there is a limit........I bet you vote democrate if yur of age! Yet another that can not think for themselves and in need of majopr guidence thorugh their life.

Why are you going off the deep end? If you don't like people going off topic than just skip that thread.


Active Member
Well excuse the FXXX out of me Alyssia. Its hard to ignore a post when your part of it previously that wa on topic and foloowing it, now isn't it. Oh I see your just one of those jerks that has to have her say so and be heard like some others huh! Ok you get a point for your ignorance on this post!.


Active Member
Whatever still get the point for your post credit. Perhaps what you preach you need to practice as go cry to a mod again crybaby


Active Member
Then maybe you need to take this same stance on other posts as well, Hate to see a babbling idiot drown their self in their marnie tank...duh! Thats ok though you get a point for your contribution to this thread even if it is dumb! Bout like some others, just have to post and can not resist doing it just to see their post points grow, even if there is nothing to add.