Christmas Tree Worms


Dang! and here i thought it was a no light coral, the worms that is.. which they are from what I gather, but the host isnt.. interesting! I wont be putting one in my PC lighting tank...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by anti http:///forum/thread/384007/christmas-tree-worms/20#post_3362922
Dang! and here i thought it was a no light coral, the worms that is.. which they are from what I gather, but the host isnt.. interesting! I wont be putting one in my PC lighting tank...
There lots of pretty fan worms, feather duster clusters are beautiful, fountian worms come in bright pink and neon green and hard tube coco fan worms are red and white. besides the regular fan worms. All are filter feeders and they don' need light.