Chromis and Damsel Tank


Well, I am going to start a Chromis and Damsel tank, because I am sick of losing expensive fish. And that Chromis and Damsels are my favorite. So what kind of Damsel would you guys recommend for this kind of tank. I have had Damsels before, so I know there behavior, it is just I want to know which are best for a community tank. Thanks.


I like the blue reef chromis and its very hardy and peaceful. You can buy it on this website under damsel section


Active Member
I have a pair of cloudy damsels. I like them because they are more round then most damsels. they are with a clown and get along most of the time.
What size tank?


Active Member
A tank swarming with pure evil
......LOL I had to say that...I've thought about doing the same as I really like these guys, but they are just so dang mean


Active Member
Damsels are hard to keep in groups because of thier aggressiveness. However, there are two surefire ways to eliminate thier aggressiveness.
1. Feed often. Coral Magazine did a whole issue on damsels a while back and many of the articles reccommended using an automatic feeder that would dispense cyclops or other small particles as often as every hour or so. Of course the feedings were small so they did not foul up the tank. Even as often as every four hours would help as well.
2. have a hiding place for all of the fish. Damsels usually live inside massive branching acros. So use the same decor. I would use tonga branch or very branching decor.
Just my two cents worth


I have plenty of hiding places, so that is not an issue. I have that article in that magazine, I thought it was interesting, but it didn't answer all of my wuestions, that is why I came here.


Active Member
really the only damsels that are not gonna be really mean and all is the yellow tail. But a few of the damsels get kinda large up around 6inches or so. I myself for chromis like the purple chromis or black and white chromis.
Im partial to the domino damsles (just that jet black body) and the jewel damsles prettiest ones if you ask me.


I like the Jewel Damsels. I was going to get a bunch of different kinds, like a Lemon Damsel, a Jewel, Yellow Tails, 4 Stripes, ect.