chromis beaten up


During the night my nice sized (about 1 1/2" body) blue chromis got attacked by a tank member.
(Temporarily, I will be blaming my large clarkii - other tank members include a green wrasse, engineer goby, firefish, and a tiny 4 strip damsel [who is a real timid fish so I'm not blaming it]).
There are multiple scales missing and a small wound on the fish's flank. The chromis is acting normally - swimming and eating without trouble.
Do I need to do anything? or do I just let him heal on his own?


Active Member
Do you anticipate further aggression? Perhaps the most important thing would be to separate the offending fish (or the affected fish). Otherwise any further advise may be fruitless. Sometimes rearranging the live rock in your tank would decrease the possibility of further aggression.
If the wound otherwise looks okay, a product such as stresscoat can be used to rebuild up the protective slime coat.
Hyposalinity is also effective in reducing stress on the fish. Fish are actually more dilute than saltwater so an open wound causes water from the fish to leak out (and effectively dehydrate) the fish.
If the wound gets infected, an antibiotic such as Maracyn 2 would be recommended.
Good Luck!