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I found this related material:
If you are up for it, you may try to stimulate closing the fish's mouth. If you can herd him into a net, not removing him from the water, but cradling the fish in hand in water, use the tip of your finger to see if you can gently push the jaw back into place. Of course, I'm not sure it would be worth ripping your tank apart to catch him.
You may try coaxing him with a meaty piece of shrimp on the tip of a turkey baster. As he comes to
, give a little jerk on the food to see if he will bang his mouth (shut).
Again thanks for your reply.
I checked out that website. I dont know if I want to stress him out by attempting what you said here but I have honestly thought about it.
It actually looks like its closing a bit, if you compare the first pic with the second pic. He ate again last night ok. I will give it a few more days and hope it closes .