Chromis question


I currently have 1 green chromis in my 110G. He's about 1/2" and in there all alone and would like to get him some friends. Today I saw 2 gold and black striped chromis at my LFS. I was going to buy them but my LFS wasn't sure if they'd school with a green chromis. Are they compatible with a green or will they hang out together and ignore him? Thanks


Active Member
I'm just guessing here, but I would tend to say "No". The striped ones you mentioned sound a lot like a different species of damsel fish. I have no experience with this, I'm just giving you my best guess.


I was just wondering because they have the same body structure. I guess what I'm really asking is will any chromis other than a green school with a green? Thanks for the reply Dan:D


Green chromis are actually a type of damsel... but unlike other damsels, they aren't so aggressive and territorial. From what I have seen, green chromis will only school with other green chromis.


Active Member
chromis, damsels, clowns all the same family. i have 3 blue/green chromis that hang together and my 2 clowns hang together. i had 2 yellowtail damsels who hung together, i finally got one of the damsels out and the lonley one left sticks to himself. (still working on this guy for a while now to get him out :mad: ) imo, no they wont schol together, they like their own kind. :happyfish


Well I got the green due to a friend being unable to keep his tank. I wouldn't have taken him if he was aggressive but I knew he was one of the few damsels that was more communitty oriented. I went back to the LFS and talked to a guy who I know that works there and really knows his stuff. He said the gold and black stripes were much more aggressive than the greens so they probably wouldn't have schooled together anyway. BUT... While there they got in a new stock of fish, one was a healthy looking green chromis:joy: Needless to say they are happily swimming together as we speak:happyfish


My Blue-green are BIGtime schoolers... They look awesome together. Since you only have one, add 3 and the odd-ball is likely to just going them as a set of 4. Make sure that they are around the same size...
Take a look at this...


New Member
I would never , never again get a gold striped Chromis.
Oh, sure its a pretty little fish but when it grows up it looses its colors and becomes quite dull. But the worst part is its the DEVIL with fins. I have read (and belive) that if you have a Gold strip Chromis and a Shark in the same tank, the Shark would be afraid.
Stick with the blues and the greens.
Any one want a Gold Striped Chromis.. FREE:nope:


Active Member

Originally posted by JnC
My Blue-green are BIGtime schoolers... They look awesome together. Since you only have one, add 3 and the odd-ball is likely to just going them as a set of 4. Make sure that they are around the same size...
Take a look at this...

I concur.. these are great school fish for a reef.