Chromis Question


I was thinking about adding some blue green chromis to my reef tank but dont there prefer to be in schools? If so whats the minimum for a school? Thanks


I had four.....two did not make it and the two that are still alive are healthy and seem happy......they don't go anywhere without one another.


Active Member
I have two also and they are healthy and happy..although the bigger one does chase the smaller one around alot. :happyfish


Active Member
i read they do best in pods(schools) of 6 or more but less than 3 they do tend to stray apart I had 3 they never left each other now i have 2 (my starfish ate one) and they chase each other around and fight periodicly


I don't see them chasing each other.....however like all kids, who knows what they do when I am not home. I think since they started off together, they just stick with their routine........i think that makes sense..........I had hernia surgery today and this codine is killer.........the letters all blenmd together when I type.


I have one green chromis and one purple firefish (which are also better in groups) and they hang out great together along with my flame angel


I have 2 blue green chromis that I bought after my tank cycled for 4 weeks. They are always together. I also have 2 Clarkii clowns that love to chase them. When this happens, they both hide out together in the rockwork.


I was told to get them in odd numbers for reasons i not sure ..but i notice they always follow each other .i'd say a minimum of 3..


Originally Posted by dragracer
I had four.....two did not make it and the two that are still alive are healthy and seem happy......they don't go anywhere without one another.
how big a tank do you have? how much LR ?
we have 2 green chromis and they are always at each others side. when we get our 180 set up. well get a few more maybe 5 . their fascinating fish and love to dart in and out of the rockwork.
so for us. the bigger the tank the bigger the school. we'd rather have smaller cool fish then the bigger ones. LOL and not as much of an ICK magnet


Active Member
It may just be me and something weird about my tank, but I've now had 3 Blue Reef Chromis die in my main tank and 3 in QT (in the 9 months my tank has been up).
Everything I've read says that they are nice and hardy, but I haven't had any luck. I currently have 3 in my display tank (They are MUCH bigger than previous ones) so I'm hoping they will do better. If not I'll be avoiding these beautiful little fish in the future.
I've got a school (6) Blue Green Chromis that have done great in my tank, along with my other fish, so no idea why just this particular species is dying on me.