Chromis Skin Ripped? Desease?!?!



I need help here before it gets worst.
One of my chromis had like ripped skin, and now its like kind of bigger. Another one has the same thing now but it hasn't gotten bigger. Is it a desease? Can you please email me or leave a message? Or did one of my shrimp beat him?


New Member
i have a yellow tail damsel and he has the same thing on him as your fish. He looks like he has a long scrape on the side of him.... i dont know what is wrong with him.


Several steps to do asap
1. clean filetr media and assure good water movement
2. Dose with the maracyn product for ulcers ( i cant remember the exact medicine but its made by maracyn. Takes doses at day one , three and five.
3. Add a air pump with a fractionation stone.
I have had this b4 and this took care of it within a week.
The water quality as far as cleanliness is a must also....
If you need to do so, replace any carbon with new if you use carbon or clean any pads/sponges/etc.