

I bought 2 green chromis over the weekend along with a single yellow tail damsel. Everything is great and all but I was wondering if I can even add more green chromis? If I add a few more, should I add enough to make it an odd number? For example, should I have a total of 5 or 7 green chromis as apposed to 4 or 6? They are a schooling fish right? I have a 90 gallon reef and would like a few more...


I have 4 now.... Started with two, bought another two, then one mysteriously died. i bought another one today. They love each other!


Active Member
I had 6.. they were wonderful to watch at 6.. now im down to 3 due to diseases... now they are 50% less fun to watch ....


I had 3 and am now down to one.....both died completely unexpectadely, which I think is not uncommon. I also remember reading somewhere that keeping 3 or more is a good idea, but not less since they are schooling fish. I think with them they are hit or miss, my lone chromis seems to be doing well although no more fun schooling to watch :(


Active Member
Chromis school for protection. Once established, it's very common to see a dominant pair kill off the others. The schooling behavior will diminish if the fish are settled in and not threatened by larger more aggressive fish.


i just got 5 tonight, they are awesome to watch as they swim together. I read that you should have 6 or more in my marine fish book. but i think 5 will do. it also says if u get only one its almost a positive it will die, due to the other fish picking on it.