cinnamon clown killed royal gamma


I found my cinnamon clown attacking royal gamma and trying to eat. I tried to save the royal gamma but it was wounded very bad and died. I bought these fish together and kept them in qt and they were totally fine. I don't understand why cinnamon clown became that much aggressive against the royal after long time. Clown fishes are supposed to be peacefull am I wrong?


I have a 72 gal tank.
1 hippo tang
1 yellow tang
1 powder blue tang
1 oriental sweer lips
1 french angel
1 passer angel
1 cinnamon clown
1 percula clown
1 diamond gooby
1 yellow tail damselfish


Staff member
Originally Posted by reefiness
thats A LOT of fish, tooo many to be exact

It is WAY TOO MANY fish and fish of the wrong kind in a 72 gal. Please find new homes for tha angels and tangs.
Clowns are highly territorial. This fish violated the clown's territorial rights....and with that size tank and those fish you have, you can expect to have much more of the same problems.