Cinnamon Clowns


New Member
I just did a search on Cinnamon Clowns and only came up with like 45 results. Out of curiosity, is there a reason these clowns aren't as popular? Is it that they don't have the "classic" clown colors or something deeper like "too aggressive" or "harder to keep"? The reason I ask is we added a pair, 1 a little larger, about 2-3 weeks ago. The larger being about 2" and the other about 1.5", obviously I'm hoping for an eventual pairing. A little tank/acclimation back ground: Well established 55g w/ plenty of rock, but still technically not enough. Various soft corals like shrooms, rics, zoos, etc. A softball sized Bubble and a BTA, a clone from the original. Tankmates include 2 Firefish, Cleaner Shrimp, CBS and a Royal Gramma. I acclimated the fish separately, but added them about the same time(one,then the other) almost at lights out time. The Gramma didnt like the idea of new tankmates and was blustering after them, but not attacking or anything. They were both intimidated, being newbies, and just hiding. But at lights out they both found the BTA and slept together. Next day, the Gramma was still showing off and the larger clown chased the smaller away and claimed the BTA as "her" own. The smaller one found refuge around the Bubble, "he" doesnt wallow in it but stays near the edge and will brush the bubbles/tentacles. At this point, the Gramma does its own thing and doesnt bother anyone, both clowns explore mostly on their own--the little one still gets chased away from the BTA, but theres been no "fighting". Both feed/swim well and the only thing I see is the smaller ones tail is a bit ragged, but I'm sure it will heal. Sorry to get so wordy, just like sharing thoughts/experiences. Speaking of thoughts, dont forget my question. Personally, I like the colors of these clowns and, no offense, I'm almost tired of looking at percs. Maybe I'm just trying to be different(also wanted to a more likely host for the BTA, seems to have worked :D ).


New Member
I had a cinnamon or tomato clown, I have heard them called both, and I just returned it to the pet store yesterday because it was very aggressive and was beating up and killing other fish. Yours could be different though, maybe try looking for them under tomato clown.


New Member
Well, the Tomato and Cinnamon are quite different in color, in my opinion; I was trying to be specific in the search. Say if I typed "clownfish", I'd get more than I could read.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion and vote of encouragement. I'm hoping that will be the case, as they are the newbies and the Gramma has established itself and the Firefish are kinda just there.


Try a search on melanopus. I personally like these guys a lot as well, I think people shy away from them because they are not as readily availabe, they're not "Nemo", and they can be very aggresive. The one I had killed two smaller ones I put with her so enough was enough.
Good luck, I hope they pair for you.


New Member
Thanks, I'll give it a try. And, since they're pretty much juveniles IMO, we stand a pretty good chance on a pairing. So far no real aggression, except for a quick chase away.