Cinnamon / Tomato hybrid?


New Member
I have a 24g nano and my large cinnamon mated with my small tomato and deposited a small cluster of eggs on Monday! Since this was unexpected, I am running around trying to set up a 10g fry tank, rotifer culture and microalgae to feed the buggers. It's very exciting and I was wondering if anyone ever had hybrid babies before?



Congrats. Hey, I'm in Aurora as well. It must be something in our water because my black ocellaris just started spawning two weeks ago.


Active Member
I could be wrong because the two are sooo much a like but I think both of those are Tomatoes ( A. frenatus )
The FM Cinnamon's ( A. melanopus ) ventral fins will be all black.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
That's right, Melanopus has solid black ventral fins heres Cinnamon Clown Cinnamon
:notsure: :notsure:


New Member
Wow! All along I thought I had a cinnamon. I didn't know Tomatos can get that dark! Thanks for the info! And I thought they were special