Circulating a 90???help me?

Hi i have a 90 gallon and was wondering what to use to filter it. im definitly using a canister filter. Some one else said use a couple powerheads and a skimmer. What is this skimmer he talking about.Protein? And would it be ok to run an undgrvl filter along with it for extra biological filtration?


Want extra biological filtration? Then don't use the UGF you will most likley regret it. Use sand as a substrate, this will allow you more filteration and you will be able to keep a higher bio load. Canister on a 90? you will most likely need more than that.
This tank going to be a Fish Only? or FOWLER? If so:
I would use the best skimmer you can afford, 4-MJ 900 power heads or 2- 1200's and 2 900's, for more circulation. Add as much live rock as you can afford, can't afford it then use base rock it is much cheaper.
This is the route I would go:
Consider getting the tank drilled for overflow and return and think about using a sump or wet/dry. This can also be done using an external overflow if you do not want the have the tank drilled. Add a strong return pump to a spray bar or split the return to the tank into two or three outlets.
Just a few thoughts


Agreed w/ everything Thomas said, just wanted to put more emphasis on the UGF... don't fall into that trap :) just causes more problems down the road!
Cheers and good luck w/ the tank!


My 90 gal reef.
125 gal sump
Mag-drive 9.5 pump
Maxi-jet Powerheads 900's (3)
this set-up works great so far, My tank has been up for about 6 weeks..
can u give me any more advice on these filters. These sumps that ur talking about can i just get one of them n be done or do i have to like get something with it. I just wana be like able to hook it up n tunr it on n let it run. So u r saying that i should get a sump and powerheads? Is that it. My tank will be fine of a sump(canu tell me how exactly they work) and more PwHds.


Are you going to have a reef tank, fish only, it makes a difference in what type of filteration you go with. Are you going to have a deep sand bed, crushed coral? Everything makes a difference...


Active Member
A sump is just basically a tank or rubbermaid container below your main tank. Water goes down through an overflow box or a hole drilled into your tank into the sump and then gets pumped back up by a pump. A sump is a good place to put your heater and a protein skimmer. Later on you can even add a refugium if you decide too. Look on the diy section and you will find tons of info. Someone might even post a diagram explaining everything.
Well i have a canister filter that sounds kinda the same. Is the sump just bigger? Also i plan on a fish only tank and it has crushed gravel.


A sump is like a complete other container. (Like a 20 gallon rubbermaid container works well), a canister is small and has a lot of little compartments in it.


Active Member
Yeah. Its just something to hold water. A rubbermaid works just as good as another aquarium and is a whole lot cheaper.


Active Member
Yes just buy a regular rubbermaid container. I would probably use a mag 9.5 pump for a fish only tank. You keep the heater(s) and your protein skimmer in the sump.


You can make it a sump, or a fuge. A fuge you can add live sand, live rock, and macro algaes.
On a straight sump, more water = more stable, you can also move stuff like your skimmer, powerfilters, heaters to the sump so they are hidden.