I'm about to setup a new 125 gallon aquarium. It has two overflow boxes predrilled and two drilled bulkheads. Below you'll see a diagram of the flow layout.
Basically it's a little busy but what it is trying to show is that there is a main system pump that takes its water supply from one of the overflows and splits the water return between the two bulkeads. Then the other overflow supplies the 30 gallon fuge and sump underneath with a split outflow and pumps in the sump and fuge return the water to the tank by the returns built into the overflow chambers.
Will this work? My one question is, what size pumps do I need for the fuge and sump? I mean, if I but underpowered pumps, will they overflow due to being "oversupplied" by the overflow in the display tank?
Otherwise, does anyone have any additional suggestions? I'm aiming for a total water turnover of between 12 and 15 times per hour.
Basically it's a little busy but what it is trying to show is that there is a main system pump that takes its water supply from one of the overflows and splits the water return between the two bulkeads. Then the other overflow supplies the 30 gallon fuge and sump underneath with a split outflow and pumps in the sump and fuge return the water to the tank by the returns built into the overflow chambers.
Will this work? My one question is, what size pumps do I need for the fuge and sump? I mean, if I but underpowered pumps, will they overflow due to being "oversupplied" by the overflow in the display tank?
Otherwise, does anyone have any additional suggestions? I'm aiming for a total water turnover of between 12 and 15 times per hour.