every picture of a citron goby i have ever seen has the blue lines on him. All except the one pictured on this site. the rusty goby has the lines i am talking about. Has anyone every ordered a citron goby from the site? did it have the blue lines, or was it plain like pictured?
I wish i had luck with those guys. I had a chocholate clown goby in my 30 for a while but after a month of eating and being visable it vanished. Then i got one for my 125 and first it got taken into the filter tank then it vanished. I do love them but next time im getting a yellow.
i've had it a long time, so it knows me. it will come out front most of the time when i'm there. it the kids make to much noise it will hide then come back out
Originally Posted by Catawaba
Yes, I did. She was solid yellow.
then you got sold the wrong fish and the pic on this site is not of a citron at all, just a regular yellow.
I couldn't really find all that much info on these guys, I was curious if I could keep multiple ones of different colors, cuz i really like the rusty, and a lfs around here has several yellow a some black ones.
Originally Posted by cj7eagle
thats exactly what i am looking for, did you order yours online, or was it a LFS purchase?
thats not a pic of mine but the "doctors" sells real citrons (and yellows seperately) and is where I got my green. thats about all the info I can give if its not too much already on a competing site though this site needs to make the correction. I've never had a citron personally just green and yellow.
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
thats not a pic of mine but the "doctors" sells real citrons (and yellows seperately) and is where I got my green. thats about all the info I can give if its not too much already on a competing site though this site needs to make the correction. I've never had a citron personally just green and yellow.
thanks... appreciate the info.
The doctors also sell, panda, green, black, and rusty i think. Hey i dont mean to hijack, how many of these do you think would be viable to ahve in a moderately stocked 55 with a refuge.