clam capability


55g tank. 2x175w halides (14000k), 40w tube (10000k), 40w tube (actinic).
all water parameters are great. nitrates never go above 10. usually stay 0-5. calcium is always above 380, usually 440ish. ph, alk, temp, amm, and nitrites are always perfect.
does everything sound sufficient for clams? how about sps?


I keep SPS in a 75 gallons under two 175w MH, they're 10k bulbs those is a PAR value is alot higher, but a clam high up in the tank should be cool. if you go with a lower light clams like a Dersa.


Active Member
nitrates really should be at zero for sps. they wont tolerate any nitrates IME.
clams should be fine anywhere in the tank.


Originally Posted by teen
nitrates really should be at zero for sps. they wont tolerate any nitrates IME.
clams should be fine anywhere in the tank.
Well... for thew most part. It also depends on the type of clam.


Active Member
from my experience, the clams will let you know where they like it. I had to move my crocea's 3x each before they settled in. They both have settled in around the top 1/3 of my tank on top of the rockwork. They probably like it better there b/c I only have 4x54W T5's. **** ALSO: for your first clam - don't get the super small clams sold here on SWF - only 1.5 inches - very small and very difficult to keep alive. Get one 2.5-3+ inches - much better chance of making it. And worth the extra $.