Clam experts opinions please!


Had this crocea for about a month. Sitting at the top of the tank under t5s. How does he look? If it doesnt look okay I want to take it back.



Active Member
hmmm most clams i have seen and had extend more than that.
what size tank and watts of lighting?
do you feed phytoplakton?


I have 216 watts of t5s and do feed phytoplankton. I know croceas are very light demanding but a good friend of mine has had one for almost 2 years with the same lighting and hes doing great. When I took the picture it was just opening up from being spooked by a royal gramma. Usually its extended more than the picture shows.


Active Member
you cant really tell if clams are healthy or not too easily. obvious there are signs such as opening, PM, or gaping, but you usualy cant tell until just before they are gone.
however, since your is closed up there due to your gramma, you should be able to see a white area of growing or freshly grown shell. you may want to check your Ca, ALK, and Mg.