Clam Help, Squamosa or Deresa?


Active Member
Im looking to get a squamosa or deresa clam for my tank to help with my nitrate problem. Which one is earier to care for , a squamosa or deresa? As this is my first clam, i dont want to start with a crocea or maxima.
Also, do they prefer the rocks or a sand bed to attach to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
Im looking to get a squamosa or deresa clam for my tank to help with my nitrate problem. Which one is earier to care for , a squamosa or deresa? As this is my first clam, i dont want to start with a crocea or maxima.
Also, do they prefer the rocks or a sand bed to attach to?
Howdy NOT get a clam if you have Nitrate problems. Yes, they will help to filter nitrate, however, if you have a "nitrate problem" the amount of it is probably enough to kill it. IMO, the derasa clam is easiest of the two you listed, however, they can get pretty large. Derasa's prefer the sand bed. What kind of lighting do you have?


Active Member
the squmossa(SP?) is easier to keep it is more hardy and is less light demanding they prefer the sand too


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
the squmossa(SP?) is easier to keep it is more hardy and is less light demanding they prefer the sand too

WOAH...back up there Sparky. Yes, the Squamosa is EASIER to keep than say, a crocea, but the derasa is far easier, as far as lighting is concerned. However, derasa's get large, as I said before. Squamosa's, from what I've read, prefer the rock work, as where the derasa's prefer the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
WOAH...back up there Sparky. Yes, the Squamosa is EASIER to keep than say, a crocea, but the derasa is far easier, as far as lighting is concerned. However, derasa's get large, as I said before. Squamosa's, from what I've read, prefer the rock work, as where the derasa's prefer the sand.
no you back up there "sparky" the squmossa is easier than a dresa and less light demanding!!
Also have you ever kept all those clams
and squmossa i dont think so, i remember you and your otheer names pitbull and the other ones and you never said you had any clams or even a reef.
so until you have adequate experience keeping clams it is not your place to give advice!!!


Active Member
so is it squamosa or deresa that is easier?
For lighting i have 1 175 watt mh and 2 110 watt VHO's


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
so is it squamosa or deresa that is easier?
For lighting i have 1 175 watt mh and 2 110 watt VHO's
its the squamossa what size tank do you have??


Active Member
As Emperor11 said, do not get a clam as long as you have the nitrate problem. They do take in nitrates (as do corals) but that does not mean they like elevated nitrates. Wait until you get your nitrates down before buying the clam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
no you back up there "sparky" the squmossa is easier than a dresa and less light demanding!!
Also have you ever kept all those clams
and squmossa i dont think so, i remember you and your otheer names pitbull and the other ones and you never said you had any clams or even a reef.
so until you have adequate experience keeping clams it is not your place to give advice!!!
Lets not hijack Jacknjill's thread. However, I DO want to get things straight here. I got that advice about clams from I believe, NM Reef. And, YES...I HAVE kept all those clams, just not in my tank. I used to maintain all of my LFS's tanks...all he did was sell the stuff. I got a ton of free stuff for my tanks. I'm taking down my 55 to set up a 20g nano and a 55 discus tank for FW. PLEASE get off my case. I have never seen any pics of your "reef," so you are a fine one to talk. I don't want to get the boot, I just wanted to get things straight.
ANYWAYS, the derasa is easier. Read up on them, you'll see I am correct. Just keep in mind they get quite large.
Again, I apologize for hijacking your thread. Connor, discussion is ended. Continue.