clam help


Clam Help
I bought a really heathy Maxima Clam last week, ( about 10 dayas ago.) It hasn't extened it mantle and today when I went to move it, its food has detached from the shell it was attached to.
I dont think I aclimated it long enought. but I deffinately has enought lighting. It is at the top of my tank under 250 watt MH lighting.
What if any thing can I do to save this clam? Would it be good to send it back to the original tank it came form, to get well and then try again in a month? OR Start feeding it in a dish out side of the tank?
HELP please.... I dont want to loose this clam.


Can you tell us more about your tank? How long it's been set up, filtration, other inhabitants, water parameters. Also how did you aclimate it?


the tank has been runnning for about a year.
Filtration is a skimmer right now. It will be a fuge by monday.
Aclimation about 5 minutes with 1/3 water change.
As for the water peramiters... they are great... I currently have a Durissa calm that is thriving.


Active Member
Your acclimation was very quick! If the clam is less than 3 inches it will need to be feed DTs Live Marine Phytoplankton in addition to you halides.

bang guy

I don't think clams require a lot of acclimating water wise.
My guess is that it needs to acclimate to your lighting. It's probably getting more light now than is has for the past several weeks.