clam help


my tank overheat/meltdown took its toll on my acros and xenia almost completely (a few stalks of xenia made it). my closed brain bleached and then the tissue died almost all the way and has since came back (took 14 months to fully recover). i have some ultra green centered candies that bleached all the way and have since came back. along with my open brain who has since came back.
anyhow, i guess we can agree to disagree, thanks for your opinion.


from what temp did it go to 84 from....were the other perameters fine............i hae had this happen several times sense i just moved my tank (i had a spike that was from 75-85) and my corals were fine......just stressed....not bleaching in acros and everything is better than before now.......
also have you tried to raise your reef to like 80 and see if you corals and clams respond well or not???
also i am not wanting to disagree just trying to learn and find out what the best is for the clams....