Clam Help


We have a two 1/2 inch maximas clam thats doing well under our PC light. 2 96 watt daylight buld 2 96 watt Atinic.He/she has grown about a 1/4 inch in about a month.An yes i use DT.Which is all good.The help I need is that something is growing on the side of the clam.In the cup part of the shell don't know what it would be called. What ever they are i've found three of them. They look like Little lima bean shaped cotten balls.Does anyone have any idea what they might be and will they hurt the clam. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I like to let everything grow in my tank and don't want to remove something if I don't havr to.


I don't know what that might be, but that is really fast for a Maxima to be growing. I thought that they grew about 1" year or so?


sounds like q tip sponges they have a feather duster like appendage sticking out of them???if so, some say is suppose to indicate you have good water quality; trouble is evenetually they grow everywhere including the plumbing :mad:


New Member
Is this thing really hard. I wouldn't worry about it as long as it isn't irritating that clam in anyway.


Yes they do have what looks like a cap to a feather duster thou they are clear. Will they hurt the clam?


they do sound like sponges. as long as they are not bothering it i would be happy as your tank is developing right along. Any tank that has sponges growing around i can't be doing that badly. . . . :D