I have a Crocea clam. I think. I did up a pic. Anyway. For 2-3 years I have had this clam. It was pretty small when I first got it. Now it is getting pretty big. The last week or so I have noticed him to lean to the side a little. I am hoping he likes that and nothing is making him give up his spot on the LR. He doesn't appear stressed. He extends very well and the colors look good. My latest water tests were perfect. Salinity was a tad low. I had been having major heat issues with the tank. My temps were 86 normal. then it would get up to 90-93 during the day. The tank has been like this for a long long time. It didn't kill anything, just gave me some hard times with algea. I think I got the temps figured out yesterday. I raised my MH bulbs close to 2' above the tank. Ever since the tank has been a constant 83. The clam now is close to 4' from the light hopefully not to far. I have 2 250w XM MH's on the tank.