Clam moving. Is something wrong?


I have a Crocea clam. I think. I did up a pic. Anyway. For 2-3 years I have had this clam. It was pretty small when I first got it. Now it is getting pretty big. The last week or so I have noticed him to lean to the side a little. I am hoping he likes that and nothing is making him give up his spot on the LR. He doesn't appear stressed. He extends very well and the colors look good. My latest water tests were perfect. Salinity was a tad low. I had been having major heat issues with the tank. My temps were 86 normal. then it would get up to 90-93 during the day. The tank has been like this for a long long time. It didn't kill anything, just gave me some hard times with algea. I think I got the temps figured out yesterday. I raised my MH bulbs close to 2' above the tank. Ever since the tank has been a constant 83. The clam now is close to 4' from the light hopefully not to far. I have 2 250w XM MH's on the tank.


here are some shots of the clam. The color is off on the clam from the way the pic was taken. he is very colorful if you look down on it a little.



Active Member
Looks ok to me.
Prolly just wants more/less current more/less light.
How old are your lights?


I figured it was current, or lighting.
The XM's are about 3 months old. the Attinic T-5's are about 15 months or so. They aren't on all that long. Just a few hours in the morning and evening. He looks great. Just moving. Hope something isn't eating his foot. It doesn't look like it.


my clam mover clock wise and counterr clock wise some times. I not sure why. I think its to move into better water flow.


Well I have been holding out thinking maybe he is relocating. However the last few days has been worse than ever. It looks like he wants a totally new spot. YOu can see his foot and everything. That hermit in the pics won't bother his foot I hope.
What do ya think? Wait it out?



Dont pull it, just let it let go of the rock. They move when they want to. When it lets go put it on a flat surface and it will reattach by itself. That is a crocea clam, I would feed it DT's every other day since the temp had gotten so high because they will bleach some in temperatures that high. Carrie


Active Member
Yeah, just let it do what it want's........Probably not a lighting issue..These guys like a stable rocky place to dig in.


Thanks for the reassurance (sp)
The DT's is down to 1 time a week. The temp is much lower at the moment. I still have my doors open. It is at 76-77 degrees. Yesterday I turned off my Iwaki pump to the skimmer. The skimmer needs a cleaning and wasn't functioning correctly. Since yesterday the water temp dropped about 4 degrees :thinking: I thought inline pumps were supposed to help keep heat out of the tank. :thinking:
On the good side the Clam still looks to be in good health. Colors are good, and it has normal movements. Hope he likes where he is moving to.


When I get a new clam I always stsrt by placing it mid tank. I found that its even better some time to even start the clam on the bottom of your tank. I have a gold maxima and it loves being on the bottom of the tank.


I would move your clam down on to the bottom of your tank. What kind of clam is? I found that even though every one sayes the clams like a lot of ligh they still do best on the bottom of the tank.