Clam placement question....


I just moved my crocea clam up onto a rock, and now he's leaning over, is he ok like this or do I need to find a new place for him on a different rock? Sorry the pic is kinda fuzzy.
Also I'd like any input that anyone could give me on my set up so far since this is my first. Thanks.


Active Member
What kind of lighting do you have for it? They are the most light hungry clam out there. Leaning over doesn't concern me too much as long as the light is very high. Meaning metal halides. Has it attached to the rock? If not move it further up. Do not pull it off the rock if it has attached.


I just moved him there yesterday so he hasn't attached yet if he's going to. Oh yea i'm using a 175w MH, along with 2 24w PC's so my lighting is adequate I think.


Active Member
i dont know anything about corals but i just wanted to say i love your tank. it seems simple but yet catches the eye. how many gallons is it?


Active Member
i'm pretty sure crocea like to "lean" when on rocks, check out other posts about it or check archives. My crocea isn't straight and luckily its leaning the right way, toward the front of the tank.

tx reef

Active Member
Leave it be. If it is unhappy where you put it, you will eventually find it on the sand. They have a habit of "jumping" off of rocks unless they are happy with their location.