Clam placement?


Where is the best spot to place a clam? On the SB or on the LR. The tank will have plenty of MH lighting and I know they need alot of room to grow. Thanx.


i would start it off on the sand and then if it looks as if its not doing so good put it up higer and higher in the tank


Active Member
Crocea's are rock borers, put it on a flat rock to attach.
Need to know what light it was under and what light you have.


Active Member
I like to put my Crocea's on a cup shaped rock and let em attach...then I'll move em where I want em...they can move if their not happy so be warned.


They DO MOVE! I put mine right where I wanted them and by the next morning they had moved over 2 inches and were firmly attached! I think dburr's idea is the best.


Active Member
i still say to start them on the sand, well OK then, you made your point.
They can be started ON THE SAND and ON A FLAT ROCK.

If the clam came from the similar set up or brighter, move them to where you want it to sit. If the light was not as bright, start them lower in your tank.
My crocea is under 250's at 15K. I have it half-way in my 90, right under 1 light.
Good luck with it.