CLAM problem


I've had 2 clams in the last week die. They never discolored or anything, just died. Were fine one day, open and awesome, and the next they were sucked in and dead. Check the water each time, the first time they were fine, this time the only thing that's off too much in the nitrate, but I think it's because the clam sat in their dead for a full day because I wasn't able to get it out right away.
calcium 480
phos 0
ph 8.1
trates 25
trites 0
amm 0
alk 2.57 meq/L (I know a little low, but still in normal range)
300w MH
72 gallon


Active Member
Something else in your tank getting to it? You have any giant bristle worms in there?
Water params look good, light is fine all other corals OK?


bristle worms wont attack healthy marine animals only sick or dying ones.And the species of worms out there that eat corals are pretty rare.i wouldent think its a bristle worm problem.


I'm not very good with the names of the clams, but one was about 6 inches and started with a "d". and the other was about 3 inches and started with a "c". (I could look up the names, but right now I think that I'd rather just look retarted)
they were both thriving and open and wonderful. I did have a fish that I have since gotten rid of that may have bitten them. would 1 or 2 bites kill them so quickly?
As far as bristle worms, I have 2 on a large rock of zoos that had all of a sudden not opened up anymore until I spotted the worms one night. I took them off and the zoos and since healed themself and look great again, so I know they werent' dying, but were being killed

jam marine

sorry to hear about your loss,but essentially clams should not be put in aquria until your system is about a year,the tank is more stable,not much fluctuations in water parimeters,hope this helps


Active Member
i dont know if anyone asked this but i didnt see it.. but the obvious questions is what kind of lighting do you have? also what kind of filtrationa nd tankmates?