I've had 2 clams in the last week die. They never discolored or anything, just died. Were fine one day, open and awesome, and the next they were sucked in and dead. Check the water each time, the first time they were fine, this time the only thing that's off too much in the nitrate, but I think it's because the clam sat in their dead for a full day because I wasn't able to get it out right away.
calcium 480
phos 0
ph 8.1
trates 25
trites 0
amm 0
alk 2.57 meq/L (I know a little low, but still in normal range)
300w MH
72 gallon
calcium 480
phos 0
ph 8.1
trates 25
trites 0
amm 0
alk 2.57 meq/L (I know a little low, but still in normal range)
300w MH
72 gallon