Clam Question


Do I have enough light to put a clam in my tank and if so which kind would i be able to put because i know some need more light than others, I have 305 total watts ( 2 x 65W actinic power compacts, 175W 20,000K metal halide) on my 58 gallon tank.


Active Member
As far as lighting goes, you have enough to keep any species of clam if you put it under the halide.


your clam may not do well under the 20K, far too little par for it... they say 10K but settle in the middle and you'd be pretty well off.


I have had the eel for almost 3 years and he is just about 2 foot long, i have never had any problem with him eating any fish, hermits, snails, or corals but do you guys think its a bad idea to put a clam in their


Active Member
Maybe go to your local grocery store and buy some live cherry clams, burp them and see if the eel bothers or eats them..