clam question


Active Member
i have noticed alot of clam questions poping up, well i have a few of my own
1) im wanting to buy one, whats a good size to get out, this is my first clam so i want to give it a good chance is any size better
2) i put in my tank iodine, calcium, and something for filter feeders but i dont know the name, is that enough of is there something else that i need to dose with
3) whats the easiest clam, i want to order one, i have found a ton of places that sell them
4) i think its murphs tank that has that huge clam, what kind is it if anyone knows
5) i went to the lfs today and they had a clam that was hyper extended, i have heard that was bad, what causes that
thanks, am i missing anything if theres anything else that you want to share i want to hear it
thanks babyb


Active Member
hahaha i will, ill hold him and squezze him and love im and pet him, and hell be my very own
maybe ill call him squishy


Originally Posted by BabyB
i have noticed alot of clam questions poping up, well i have a few of my own
1) im wanting to buy one, whats a good size to get out, this is my first clam so i want to give it a good chance is any size better
clams around 3" seem to handle shipping stress better and are easier to keep for a beginner. i would start with a Derasa.
2) i put in my tank iodine, calcium, and something for filter feeders but i dont know the name, is that enough of is there something else that i need to dose with
you will need to test for Ca/Alk and Mg and add as needed. iodine is not needed because with regular water changes and feeding of fish plenty is added. if you feed your fish regularly, and have adequate lighting you dont need to add any food just for the clam. clams are primarily photosynthetic and have a very limited ability to filter feed (at any size)
3) whats the easiest clam, i want to order one, i have found a ton of places that sell them
a Derasa would be the best starter clam
5) i went to the lfs today and they had a clam that was hyper extended, i have heard that was bad, what causes that
hyperextension is caused by lack of light


Active Member
ok i ordered one about an hour ago, should get here saterday, i got a crocea, how many of you have these, any thing that you have learned along the way with them


Active Member
i have 175 wts of mh over half of a 55, and pc on the other half till i can get the other mh, he will be on the side with the mh of course, do you think that will be good for him