Clam Questions


can a clam foot itself in a spot in a day? i "coaxed" one off a ledge today to move him to the other side of the tank, and i'm worried i could have damaged him, however he was only in place for one day... he "seemed" fine when i left but i mean, how do i know if i damaged him or not???
in the future, if i want to move my clams, how do i do it? do i have to cut the threads near the bysal (spelling).

bang guy

Yes, they can attach in a day. If you must cut the threads cut them as close to the rock or whatever it's attached to as you can.


what if he unattaches while you "coax" him? like slowly moving/pulling/turning? does this mean he just let go like a snail would when you pull him off the glass? if he does not tear does that mean he is not damaged?


I'm gonna make this simplar. A. Dont cut anything. B. Depending on the species of clam, wherever you stick it - NEVER MOVE IT AGAIN!!!!! Unless it is on or in a piece of rock then you can move that. C. If the thing was REALLY lightly attached and isnt showing signs of stress, you should figure that you are fine.


Thanks for the info, he's staying put from here on out.. if i dont have enough light there i'll have to move the rock above him but it looked as if there were no shadows (lights werent on yet though)...
you were a great help!