Clam Tag along


New Member
Okay so I was admiring my new clam and I noticed this thing on the side underneath the mantle.
No idea what it is. It looks like a tube almost with two heads in a 'T' shape.
Anyone have an ideas?



New Member
Thanks for the ident.... I looked it up and the pictures I have found of them don't look anything like the guy on my lil clam..
Is it something I need to take off? If so... how?


My crocea has em too. I dont know what they are. I saw one of em at night. I tried to remove one with my finger and felt I was popping a bubble (i got very scared casue i thought maybe it was a nudi >_<" ). I saw another one on there last night. Unfortunately I have no idea what they are and havent been able to see them clearly for that matter. They look like a little bubble to me.. (on my clam anywho)


Active Member
ive got em on my maxima as well. dont worry about em, they dont seem to be harming anything.


New Member
yea it doesn't seem to be hurting anything at all actually. My clam is not bothered by it in the slightest....


New Member
I found pictures of that.. Some of them totally look like my little guy!! Thanks :)
Guess I'll just leave the little bugger be :)