Clam under my lights??


Active Member
I have a standard 180....would I be able to keep a clam on my sandbed with a 3x150 MH and 4x96 PC Actinic light fixture??


Active Member
if the tank isnt too deep like more than 24 inches, i'd say yes. maxima and crocea like it on rockwork anyway.


Active Member
If it's a standard 180 (72x24x24) then with only 150w bulbs, clams on the sandbed is debatable. If you were running 250s then that'd be different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
If it's a standard 180 (72x24x24) then with only 150w bulbs, clams on the sandbed is debatable. If you were running 250s then that'd be different.
he is running 3 150w mh along with pc bulbs over a 180. it's enough imo. but of course 250w mh would definitely be better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 9supratt4
I have a standard 180....would I be able to keep a clam on my sandbed with a 3x150 MH and 4x96 PC Actinic light fixture??
IMO it would depend on the clam.
a gigas or a derasa you may be fine, a maxima or crocea would be more at risk especially the crocea. of course you could truy p[lacing the clam higher up and be fine. but if your absolutly adamant about it being on the sand I would go with one of the lower light requiring clams to be safer


Just curious guys but in your opinions what signs would I look for when adding a clam to my tank to know if it is doing good or bad?
Just want to be prepared


ok so here is my question. I have 2MH 175 which right now are about 2 years old and they need to be changed. So I ordered them and they should be here by early next week. So if I get a clam do you think that it will be okay even though right now my lights aren't working at there full potential. The bulbs are good and my soft corals are doing fine. I just don't want to get a clam and it die on me because I'm not patient. Planning to get a Derasa

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by xXxEsPoxXx
Just curious guys but in your opinions what signs would I look for when adding a clam to my tank to know if it is doing good or bad?
Just want to be prepared
if you see a white line along the edge of the shell it is growling and is healthy


Active Member
I don't think MOST croceas should be kept in the aquarium industry, just at all. I say MOST because I have stumbled across some pretty unique ones over the last 6-7 months that seem to have lighting needs closer to Maximas or something. The verdict is still out on them because I haven't been able to do much with them as of yet, but it might be interesting after a year or so. 150 watts isn't that much, even for a Maxima; I would think it might be ok if the Maxima stayed higher up and didn't jump off.