

I bought a clam yesterday and I have chromo plex, zoo plex, and phyto plex. Now my question is this enough food or any of them the clam would not eat. I can't find any information on feeding clams except feed it phyto plex and micro vert. SHould I do that?


Active Member
I like all of the foods you have. You may want to pick up some DT's oyster eggs as well. That is an excellent food to use, also.


Active Member
the only thing there that the clam will eat is the phyto. zoo plankton is often too large. however, if the clam is big enough and you have proper lighting, you shouldnt need to feed your clam. ive been my tank phyto probably 3 times since i got my clam last december and it is doing great. it is jsut large enough for it's mantle to have enough zooxanthella to support itself.


SO thanks for the advice. I got another question I found a hitch hiker brown polyp on one of the rocks I just added. Its very small so I don't think I can take a picture of it yet, but is there any bad corals I should be woried about? Will it eat that food I have? I also picked up some coral accel, coral vite, and some vicro vert. So is any of the foods not gonna be used by the coral?


Active Member
Originally Posted by WhiteMike
This is the best shot I could get.
thats not a polyp its a aistasta(sp?) its a pest that stings corals fish etc.