Clams? and lighting


New Member
Does anyone here keep clams in their reef tanks without having MH lighting. I have 3 96watt PC lights for a 65g tank. The pc lights came from AH Supply and they have a serious reflector (very bright)All corals are doing awesome and fish as well. Curious about clams and what kind could I get with the pc lights. :cool:


I keep a Maxima and a T-squamosa with two 55w and two 96w pc on a 55 reef. The squamosa I had for a year the maxima for seven months.


I would not. You COULD keep T. derasa or squamosa, and possibly a gold maxima. I kept blues under 410 watts of MH and Flourescent lighting, and was never happy with the results (they never maintained their color well). I personnally think that 400w MH are important (if not more)

nm reef

Active Member
I run a 55 gal system with 4x65 pc's & 2x110 vho's.....tons of corals that are all doing well....and I too am tempted to add a matter how tempting they may be I personally intend to wait until I've developed a system with intense MH lighting.....all I've heard is that keeping them with less than MH is possible but having them thrive in less than MH is not for me I'll wait until I can provide optimial conditions........


Active Member
I have a tiger stripe deresa on the substrate in a 55 with 1 96 watt pc and 2 40 watt no bulbs.
Clam looks better then it did in the store under MH (there tank was very deep though) and all corals in my system are doing very good as well.