Clams for sale,


Active Member
I am finally back up an running (knock on wood). FINALLY FINALLY!!! The clams are doing great.
As a matter of fact, I will probably have a few derasas and croceas. Due to no fault of my own though. I am most likely getting a free tank from a neighbor because they need to up and move. The thing has croceas and derasas in it. Keep in mind that derasas get HUGE though and if you were to get one and don't have like a 300 gallon tank, the thing is probably going to get to around 2.5 feet long. Also, croceas are SUPER needy when it comes to requirements.


Active Member
OMG!!! i want some!!! too bad the tank with the metal halide lighting isnt set up yet........... So... i was wondering how often you have this many clams? or is this just a one time thing?


Since you are up and running, could you please send me pix. I am very much interested in the deresa, also, any unusual colored clams. Thanks.


Active Member
Pics are coming soon. The water is nearly completely clear. The issue was that I had to do a small change in the substrate (this is what I found out). The water formed a layer of protein on the top and the "dust" from the new aragonite sand got stuck in that protein film. Today, is the first day that I can see all the clams all the way.
Uh, I do have a Derasa, I think it's actually a thick tiger stripe (came out of my neighbors tank). The thing is about 1.5 inches, LOL. Just small. I have a frequent turnover of clams though. I guess you can say that I "rescue" them and bring them back to health. Plus, I occasionally will get offspring as well. Just those ones that sometimes are in tanks that have pinched mantle or are gapeing or what have you - I will buy those and help em'.
Clams are just something where I care a great deal about their health.


HI, I would definitely like the deresa, but would still like pix of the rest. Especially odd or different. Thanks.


Active Member
Nothing yet. The lack of light caused the tidepool to "re-cycle". I needed to do several LARGE water changes and cut the lighting time back. Reason being that a HUGE amount of organic matter started fouling the tank. It just STUNK! I am waiting for some more Kalkwasser to arrive in the mail along with a new PH monitor so that I can get the PH up a little bit for few days, I ordered all that on Wednesday. My RO-DI unit was pumping for 3 days straight. It was fun, LOL. I will continue posting and get some pics up when the clams are good to go, hopefully there are some people that still want them by then.
I keep all the stock seperated to make sure that nothing travels from one tank to the next and about the only good thing that happened was that I picked up 8 derasas that were looking pretty bad. They have done nearly a complete turnaround. If anyone wants a Derasa, it's going to be another week or so, but you could PM or email me too - whatever it fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
Keep in mind that derasas get HUGE though and if you were to get one and don't have like a 300 gallon tank, the thing is probably going to get to around 2.5 feet long. Also, croceas are SUPER needy when it comes to requirements.

Maximas will reach roughly 15 inches but seldom do so. Croceas stay small, maxing out at about 6 inches usually. Squamosa typically max out at about 18 inches.
(Just thought I would help anyone wondering on adult size!)


Active Member
Pics should be up later in the day tomorrow for anyone that wants to come back and check. There are a little bit of diatoms on the sand since the "disturbance" or the sand getting stirred up, but other then that the majority of them are looking good and I now have 5 derasas after saving another 3.