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Off topic-How did you possibly maintain stable parameters in such large systems, with clams that HUGE, and have thriving SPS colonies; all by dosing b-ionic 2part only? What was your dosing regimen? Did you does multiple times per day? I can only imagine how much CA those clams sucks up in just one day. Sorry to stray off topic. Nice stuff! Those tubs I got from you are now over 75 heads and still growing like crazy. Thanks again for the hook up!
well, lots of work, i do water changes 2 times a week, thats right 2, every system is its own, the key for me was changing the filter socks daily,skimmers also, checked my par daily at night, and ajusted , but after a while i got used to how much each reef tank needed by how many and what type of coral was in it, some corals suck it up fast some dont, i learned lots of cool things about this hobby, its amazing, i did go threw tons, and tons of b ionic , but it was for a reason, the only 2 part chemical that worked for me, i tried randys, kent, natural reefs, so on, i did my own exsperiments, and it was fun, so b-ionic was the one, i got the best colors of that stuff, i also used the esv magnesium, its not the same mag you make, the thing is i loved my corals and wanted what i thought was the best and it worked, everybody has there own way, it all works, the key thing is truely and only the owner of there set up that is resp[onsible for there corals health, you CAN NOT SKIMP IN THIS HOBBY, then you just be waisting your time, money, and more animals lives. ps my tubs grow so fast its nuts, i added a secret recipe to there dna, lol.