clams in a SMALL tank?


i know i should post this in nano section but this one gets a lot more traffic. i would like a clam in my tank if possible...i have 3 gallons and 13 watts PC 50/50. i could place it high in the tank, inches from the light.
thanks for any help


Active Member
the wpg is not what you're looking for so much, its the spectrum, and pc isn't enough, they should be under metal halide. and a clam will grow pretty fast, and a 3 gal tank is small, not to mention it will be very difficult to keep stable


No you do not have enough light. Clams need very intense lighting, and you just dont have that. Plus clams are way too big for that size tank.
And even if you do have good water quality, you will not when you have food be adding phytoplankton to feed the slam. I wouldnt even keep most clams in a 10 gallon.


my lfs said i can grow em' in my fluorscent light fixture with 50/50 actnics:yes: havent tried it yet tho and i dont really plan to but that is what they said they have their clams under they had maximas and something else less colorful.....


Active Member

Originally posted by microman2k
my lfs said i can grow em' in my fluorscent light fixture with 50/50 actnics:yes: havent tried it yet tho and i dont really plan to but that is what they said they have their clams under they had maximas and something else less colorful.....

I would not listen to that advice- maximas under PC's might do OK in an LFS until they are moved to a buyer. I think the best lighting for a maxima is MH - there are some other smaller clams like Hippopus that might work under your lighting very well though. They are not nearly as colorful as maxima clams - but still very cool addition - especially to a nano tank!
Check out my six pack thread - I have a picture of my 1 inch maxima in there .... I just now unpacked my MH set-up and will be bulding a canopy addition for my tank this weekend!


Active Member
No, a tridacnid clam should not be placed in such a small aquarium with only 13wts of flourecent lighting.