Originally Posted by Ibew
the reason why I posted this tread because this hobby isn't a proven science not even close in my opinion yet and may never be but what I do know is I like to see hard facts and do test for my self to see if they work or not and the pros and cons also I wanted to know if there were any people in here that had been running PCs for clams and sps and just get some info on whyand how it worked for them so try to keep your opinions for your own tread thankyou
That's true only to a certain extent. There is still plenty to be learned in this hobby, but much is already known.
As long as you post here you will get peoples' opinions.
Imagine what would happen if I knew NOTHING about aquariums and saltwater fish and I posted "Has anyone kept a whale shark in a 2 gallon nano? Please, don't post opinions, just facts please". Now, if the thread remained silent I would assume "Wow, no one has done this before, I'm gonna be the first!" In actuality the thread would be silent because no one has ever tried it but we all no it's a bad idea.
Now, that's an absurdity of course, but I hope it gently points out the fault in your original post. Keeping clams under mediocre lighting isn't done because we know they need more light.
If you are going to "experiment" in the name of science and furthering the hobby then do it right. Set up several test tanks and control tanks, measure light readings, alternate lights ,etc.
I hope we someday move past the days when aquarists throw a specimen into a less than optimum tank and hope for the best. The knowledge is there (why else would countless books call for such strong lights for clams?) and it is your responsibility to examine it and then make educated choices about the specimens you choose to keep.
Furthermore your post left out some important details; like what type of clam and what size?