clams under PC



Originally Posted by Ibew
are you currently running PCs for sps now if so how long have you been and do you have any pics also what type of PC also did you use 10,000 some more info please
I am still running 400w on my 46.. I just got a sps acro frag from a lfs the other day that was solid brown and looked almost dead.. its been only a week and is turning a nice green and poylps are looking great.. I have pics on here and I try to update them ever month


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's true only to a certain extent. There is still plenty to be learned in this hobby, but much is already known.
As long as you post here you will get peoples' opinions.
Imagine what would happen if I knew NOTHING about aquariums and saltwater fish and I posted "Has anyone kept a whale shark in a 2 gallon nano? Please, don't post opinions, just facts please". Now, if the thread remained silent I would assume "Wow, no one has done this before, I'm gonna be the first!" In actuality the thread would be silent because no one has ever tried it but we all no it's a bad idea.
Now, that's an absurdity of course, but I hope it gently points out the fault in your original post. Keeping clams under mediocre lighting isn't done because we know they need more light.
If you are going to "experiment" in the name of science and furthering the hobby then do it right. Set up several test tanks and control tanks, measure light readings, alternate lights ,etc.
I hope we someday move past the days when aquarists throw a specimen into a less than optimum tank and hope for the best. The knowledge is there (why else would countless books call for such strong lights for clams?) and it is your responsibility to examine it and then make educated choices about the specimens you choose to keep.
Furthermore your post left out some important details; like what type of clam and what size?
if you read my post alittle closer you would see that I'm not experimenting with anything at all just seeing who did at one time and maybe whos having success with PCs right now by the way if you read my post you will see I did ask for type of clams sorry I did leave out size


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scoobs
I am still running 400w on my 46.. I just got a sps acro frag from a lfs the other day that was solid brown and looked almost dead.. its been only a week and is turning a nice green and poylps are looking great.. I have pics on here and I try to update them ever month
how long has your tank been established with sps or clams under PCs


Clams under PC's... this BEGS for opinionated answers.
Yes Clams work under PC's. There is more to the environment than light.
I have kept Maxima's and Derasa's under PCS. Admitedly these are the "easier" clams to keep. But mine have had growth rates that took me by suprise.
Here is my opinionated answer.
Clams require light, water movement, Water Volume, consistent water perams, nutrients, and a stable place to grow.
Lights. Under PC's my clams are centered under the lights. I choose small clams with VERY large mantles... no sickies for me. I feed them while they are small with various concoctions. They are not completely photosynthetic for a while (can't remember the approx size). So... I choose a clam with a larger mantle knowing that it has a greater surface area to gather light and is probably healthier than it's anemic neighbors.
Water Movement. The Ocean doesn't sit still. Neither should your tank. Lots of pumps, lots of timers. If you've snorkled, dove, or just swam in the ocean where our critters come from you see how turbulent it really is.
Water Volume: I know it has worked in Nano's... but i'd keep Clams in larger tanks. Temperature, params, everything is more stable as you go larger. Heatwaves don't effect as much, neither do cold waves, water-changes, fish/invert deaths, etc. etc. To those that keep Nano's... great job... you guys do what I won't attempt. I'd rather balance a beem that is 10' long than 10". It moves slower.
Consistent water parameters. The ocean is fairly stable (at least away from shore). My Tank (200 gal) has settled into a consistency that I can't break if I tried. 8.1 Ph, 10 (on german scale) Carb Hard., 80 degrees, 450 calcium, 0 trates/trites/phosphates. People fight what their ecosystem wants to stabalize at... they have PH swings, temp swings, calcium swings... this will doom anything sensative. Create consistent maintenance habits and your tank will be as stable as ever.
Nutrients... see above. Add Calcium to the list of things Clams need.
Stability. When the ocean picks up and rearranges the seafloor... it's usually a title wave. Not Good. I placed my maxima in a spot that was supposed to be overnight... so I could secure him the way I wanted in my monti the next day... by morning he was cemented in place and I have never moved him again. Instead I'll frag my monti and move it to my clam. If you can't move Mohammad to the mountain...
Lastly... just try it. I kept a flowerpot for 5 years before I started listening to the experts... once I took expert advice... my flowerpot crashed and died.
I kept hard corals, soft corals, fish, everything under waaaaay too little light for 3-4 years. Now all those corals that are pushing 10 years old that are supposed to be "intense light only" corals bleach when I pull them out of the caves and corners they live (and multiply) in.
It goes back to stability. Once you properly aclimate anything to your tank environment... don't change that environment. A dirty tank will work forever with most things as long as it is always dirty.... a very bright tank will work with most things as long as it is always bright. A dim works wonders as long as it is always dim.
Sorry for the verbose response... have at it and enjoy the experiment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RSD
.... have at it and enjoy the experiment.
Imho that's a bad attitude that can (often does) lead to dead animals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
if you read my post alittle closer you would see that I'm not experimenting with anything at all just seeing who did at one time and maybe whos having success with PCs right now by the way if you read my post you will see I did ask for type of clams sorry I did leave out size
Sorry, wasn't accusing you, I was trying to point out that you're asking for people who have experimented. You're right, however in that I missed the first sentence where you asked for types and just read the last part where you said "people that have experimented with clams under PC"
Before you purchase any live creature you should ask yourself if you can provide, not adequately for it's survival, but abundantly for it.
We know clams need strong lighting, no need not to give them that.


I am sure all of you have seen some pictures of my tank/tanks. But i will gladly post more here if any one wouold like.
I Keep all my clams in a 60gallon tank with 4x65watt lighting.
I have kept a few of them there for 7 months now and all of them have great color and and open up very wide.
I have had about 30+clams come through here since June and none of them have died.
Maybe we are just lucky.
Just my exsperience.


i keep a wide variety of sps coral under 4 96 watt power compact bulbs on my 75 gallon. I am sure they would be growing faster with halides but I do see good growth and colors. I have had a deresa clam for about 2 weeks. So far so good, but anything is possible. I am looking to go with halides in the future. Good Luck


Active Member
30+ clams in and out over the past seven months is not long enough imo, to see any real results. it could take a year for one clam to slowly starve to death without proper lighting.
imo, clams and sps shouldn't be kept under anything less than VHO lighting if you actually want them to thrive. if your just trying to see if they'll live, i see no point in that.


u can definitly keep sps corals under pc lighting. clams may be a different story but I am in the process of trying it now.
Birds Nest
I would stay clear of acro's, millepora, porites, and stylophora.


yea they are all holding there colors. I got all of my sps corals as frags and they all have grown well. My orange monti cap has tripled in size. THe thing wasnt even a cap when I first got it. They only sps coral that appears to have some what lost its intense orange is my montipora nodosa. Still orange but as neon as it was before. This can be from the lighting, chemical reactions from other corals, or even from my flame angel constantly picking on it. IME orange and purple are to the 2 easiest corals for sps corals to keep. Pink and blue are nearly impossible.


regarding the pics. I didnt take any before pics. The ones I have now are 2 large mega pixel wise. If you send me your email I will send you a whole bunch of pics when I get home from work.


Originally Posted by teen
30+ clams in and out over the past seven months is not long enough imo, to see any real results. it could take a year for one clam to slowly starve to death without proper lighting.
imo, clams and sps shouldn't be kept under anything less than VHO lighting if you actually want them to thrive. if your just trying to see if they'll live, i see no point in that.
I am sorry i should have made myself more clear.
I have kept 3 of them for my personnell hobby around for 7 months 1 4-5" and 2 3" ones and all have grown and maintained great color. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by RSD
Clams under PC's... this BEGS for opinionated answers.
Yes Clams work under PC's. There is more to the environment than light.
I have kept Maxima's and Derasa's under PCS. Admitedly these are the "easier" clams to keep. But mine have had growth rates that took me by suprise.
Here is my opinionated answer.
Clams require light, water movement, Water Volume, consistent water perams, nutrients, and a stable place to grow.
Lights. Under PC's my clams are centered under the lights. I choose small clams with VERY large mantles... no sickies for me. I feed them while they are small with various concoctions. They are not completely photosynthetic for a while (can't remember the approx size). So... I choose a clam with a larger mantle knowing that it has a greater surface area to gather light and is probably healthier than it's anemic neighbors.
Water Movement. The Ocean doesn't sit still. Neither should your tank. Lots of pumps, lots of timers. If you've snorkled, dove, or just swam in the ocean where our critters come from you see how turbulent it really is.
Water Volume: I know it has worked in Nano's... but i'd keep Clams in larger tanks. Temperature, params, everything is more stable as you go larger. Heatwaves don't effect as much, neither do cold waves, water-changes, fish/invert deaths, etc. etc. To those that keep Nano's... great job... you guys do what I won't attempt. I'd rather balance a beem that is 10' long than 10". It moves slower.
Consistent water parameters. The ocean is fairly stable (at least away from shore). My Tank (200 gal) has settled into a consistency that I can't break if I tried. 8.1 Ph, 10 (on german scale) Carb Hard., 80 degrees, 450 calcium, 0 trates/trites/phosphates. People fight what their ecosystem wants to stabalize at... they have PH swings, temp swings, calcium swings... this will doom anything sensative. Create consistent maintenance habits and your tank will be as stable as ever.
Nutrients... see above. Add Calcium to the list of things Clams need.
Stability. When the ocean picks up and rearranges the seafloor... it's usually a title wave. Not Good. I placed my maxima in a spot that was supposed to be overnight... so I could secure him the way I wanted in my monti the next day... by morning he was cemented in place and I have never moved him again. Instead I'll frag my monti and move it to my clam. If you can't move Mohammad to the mountain...
Lastly... just try it. I kept a flowerpot for 5 years before I started listening to the experts... once I took expert advice... my flowerpot crashed and died.
I kept hard corals, soft corals, fish, everything under waaaaay too little light for 3-4 years. Now all those corals that are pushing 10 years old that are supposed to be "intense light only" corals bleach when I pull them out of the caves and corners they live (and multiply) in.
It goes back to stability. Once you properly aclimate anything to your tank environment... don't change that environment. A dirty tank will work forever with most things as long as it is always dirty.... a very bright tank will work with most things as long as it is always bright. A dim works wonders as long as it is always dim.
Sorry for the verbose response... have at it and enjoy the experiment.
very interested in seeing some pics never heard anything like that before sounds like your approach is alot different then most to this hobby


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jupoc911
regarding the pics. I didnt take any before pics. The ones I have now are 2 large mega pixel wise. If you send me your email I will send you a whole bunch of pics when I get home from work.
yes I would like to see some pics also how long have you had the sps in your tank for also what type of bulbs are you currently using and have you changed them since you had the frags at all or are they the same type and how long do you run them for


Active Member
Originally Posted by B-majestic
I am sure all of you have seen some pictures of my tank/tanks. But i will gladly post more here if any one wouold like.
I Keep all my clams in a 60gallon tank with 4x65watt lighting.
I have kept a few of them there for 7 months now and all of them have great color and and open up very wide.
I have had about 30+clams come through here since June and none of them have died.
Maybe we are just lucky.
Just my exsperience.
havent seen your pics would love too also what type of lamps are you currently running and how long are they on for


Originally Posted by Ibew
havent seen your pics would love too also what type of lamps are you currently running and how long are they on for
I am running Current lamps.
I am running my light about 11 hours a day. However i am planning on upgrading my lights when i upgrade to a larger tank in the near future.
Here are some pics enjoy them.

and here is one just becuse.


Active Member
awsome are those 10,000 and is that your 60gal unbelieveable to achive that with PC congrats are those maxima and I think one is a dersea


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sorry, wasn't accusing you, I was trying to point out that you're asking for people who have experimented. You're right, however in that I missed the first sentence where you asked for types and just read the last part where you said "people that have experimented with clams under PC"
Before you purchase any live creature you should ask yourself if you can provide, not adequately for it's survival, but abundantly for it.
We know clams need strong lighting, no need not to give them that.
I agree with you 100% just seeing the sucess rate under PCs from are fellow hobbyists not trying to prove any points in this area just trying to see whos using them and how they worked out so far thats all