

Active Member
Well they surely arent 'claims'... but they are Clams, not corals at all. They are 'bivalves' if I spelled that right, similiar to scalops, muscles, and oysters. Most clams are much smaller than these 'sweet' ones... these are known as 'giant clams'.
Although like a lot of corals they have zooxanthelle... which is why they need light.


Not quite up to par with NM's but here are a couple of mine.
1: Newest Maxima about 2 inches.
2: My wife's Maxima
3: Crocea, camera has hard time focusing on the pattern.
4: Derasa


nm reef

Active Member a properly established system that is mature and relatively stable it may be possible to maintain a squamosa...maybe a derasa.....under less than MH's....I have managed to keep a healthy squamosa under 4x65 watts of 10K PC's & 2x110 watts of actinic VHO's in a 55 gal display. So I believe it can be done.....but your question is rather vague.....8 watts per gal could be standard flouresent lamps......PC's....VHO's....a combination of the two........heck it could be a high wattage mecury vapor over a small display.......


Active Member
well my plan was to have a 10 gallon or the smallest size for a clam and plumb it into my refugium so that it won't be very hard to keep levels stable but i won't have to spend several 100 dollars on lights. Oh and PC's


Active Member
Beatiful clam pics everyone! I want one so bad! What types if any could I keep in my 55gal with 4 110 watt VHO's?


NM reef,
After having my tank for five years I finally got brave enough to try adding a clam. I purchased one at the LFS that is about 4" long and looks like the one you have in photo#5 with small lines in the shell. I told the LFS it was my first so I wanted an easier clam to start with and he picked this one out but I forgot what he called it. I tried to do my homework before buying but you seen to have some great looking claims so I wanted to know what you recommend in order for your clams to thrive? what problems should I watch for?
Quick rundown of my tank... 125 reef, (2) 250w MH pendants and (1) 250 HQI pendant in center of tank. Clam is in the sand bed and seems to be just fine after 10 days. I was told to supplement Phyto. Besides that I am using B-ionic to maintain alk (8.0 - 8.2) and calcuim (-400). Is there anything big or small that I am missing? I would love to get more clams but want to make sure this one thrives first. I would try to post a pic but havent figured out how to do so yet.


dose anyone have a pink Squamosa Clam???? like this one? this picture took mybreath away i want one soooooooooo bad u would never understand



here is my deresa.. I want a crocea and a squamussa however its spelled lol

nm reef how many clams do you have? what size tank is that?
Do you have a full tank shot? I've LOVE to see it!


Active Member
NM Reef.
Your clams look great

For someone who hasn't tried them in the past, do you have any suggestions for a first time buyer? Is any variety easier to keep than another?

nm reef

Active Member
Depends a lot on the conditions you can provide. In general squamosa and derasa are less demanding and the maxima and crocia will require much more light. But...all will require a well established tank with stable water chemistry and the more light the better.