

Thanks Blenny!! I don't have MH Lighting so I can't get a clam yet. I have a Fish Only 72 Bow with two 32 watt bulbs. Are there any anemone's that can go in there?


Active Member
Well actually you could get a Tube Anemone, they dont require the light that the other ones do. But you have to have a good Sand bed or they wont make it. And theres a lot of myths out there that there fish killers, but there really not. They are filter feeders and also Nocturnal . But they Look awesome under Actinic lighting!!
This is an excellent article on them


Thanks Todd,
I will do some research on them. I do have a goo, deep sand bed with LS. The tank has recently cycled and we have an Undulated (Don't ask!!) in there right now. He is going soon because we want a peacefull tank with clowns and things. That's why I ask about the anemone. I think the clowns would benefit from one.


Active Member
Well the Tube Anemone will Not host a clown, just an FYI. But they are really beautifull!! Also wait a while if your tank just finished its cycle. It should be about 6 months old or older before you add an anemome.


Well, I went back to my LFS and got a new light strip. It's made by Coralife and is a 48 inch 260 watt setup. It has 2 - 65 watt 10,000K Daylight bulbs and 2 - 65 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin bulbs. It also has two cooling fans.
My tank is a 72 bow. So NOW can I put clams and anemone's in there after waiting 6 months or so for the water to be perfect?
By the way, this hobby isn't cheap!!! My wife nearly fainted when I told her how much the lights cost. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by HuntOaks
Well, I went back to my LFS and got a new light strip. It's made by Coralife and is a 48 inch 260 watt setup. It has 2 - 65 watt 10,000K Daylight bulbs and 2 - 65 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin bulbs. It also has two cooling fans.
My tank is a 72 bow. So NOW can I put clams and anemone's in there after waiting 6 months or so for the water to be perfect?
This is a power compact set-up,,,still not adequate for anemones or clams.
And I must disagree with that article on tube anemones...they are very capable and will consume slow moving fish{mandarins,scooters,}if caught in or come in contact with their tentacles.I had one that ate a velvet nudibranch,I saw it happen.We sell them at work and do keep them in a tank that has sexy shrimp,but the shrimp seem to know to avoid their tentacles.They also get absolutely huge...and in our store they are out all day and in pretty strong flow.


Active Member
I'm sorry that not all stores have your best interest in mind...they just want to see good sales for the day

I always make a point to find out what a person has planned for their tank before suggesting lights.Metal halides are what you will need ,perhaps with some actinic VHO's or PC's...or you can just get 20 K MH's.I would say either 175's or 250's.


i have T5 lights, 48" 4-54 watt with 4 lunar lights and my clam seems to be very happy. Is this enought for anemones?


check out the prices of lights on line lfs will be 1 1/2 2 times the price lfs good for tanks,stands,as thay don't ship well,every thing else check out the prices on line so you can get a fair idea what things cost.


IMO you can keep a derasa under VHO'S not MH. I've had one for 7 months under VHO'S and it's showing growth of new mantels. Derasas are probably the only clam that can be kept under VHO'S or PC. Once again JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by poiboy
I've had one for 7 months under VHO'S and it's showing growth of new mantels.
Now mantles? I think you mean new scutes.
T. gigas clams are even less light-demanding than derasas, but giving an animal the bare minimum of necessities is not a great idea long-term.