

New Member
Hey guys I just saw some clams the other day and didn't realize how colorful they were. Are they reef safe and what do you recommend for feeding?
Also: I saw my snails crawling over some over my coral. Is this anything to be nervous about or are they just going about their business?


Clams are cool for a reef tank. The key to keeping them happy is to have a good footing for them. I use a small tile that I cleaned and put in the tank for about 2 hours to let the temp regulate out. Then I put the clam on it and it stuck to it and I just pushed it under the sand a little. They do require good water so make sure you water stays somewhat constant. Aggressive fish can stress them because when something comes close they close up. Good lighting is a must! Other than that just keep you tank fed with reef feeders that u use for other filter feeders. I use a combination of little bricks i put in the tank and a product called Reef Smorgasbord.
As for your snails I dont know if it is a hard coral i cant think it would hurt it much but I just dont know.


Clams are reef safe and require the utmost water quality. MH lighting is best for all types of clams. T.Dersara is the only one that I can think of that can do okay under VHO. Phytoplakton is good to feed or any other filter feeding food.
As for the snails, Are your corals being harmed in any way? Not sure what to suggest to help you. --Bob


I would say no. Almost all need MH. Plus you will more than likely lose the color that makes the clam appealling. The Dersara clam is the only one I can think of that doesn't require MH-but VHO is the limit. Sorry. I wish I had better news. Save it for when you have better ligting. --Bob


I have clams happy with only 5 40w lamps. I have had them and a hard brain coral for about 3 months now. My tank is a 75 gallon. Dont know what size your is but if you get enough light to keep a light hungry critters then yeah most clams dont take that much light.


I will tend to disagree with the Fact you must have MH lighting for clams if you have the right watt per gal and spectrum they do well i have power compacs JBJ totally 6.5 watts per gal and mine do very well i have seen at many lfs that have there clams not under MH, It depends on how much and what lighting your running. Missy


Active Member
Ultra grade Maxima and Crocea clams need MH lighting. Your LFS doesnt need MH because they only exhibit clams not keep them over years.
3 months isnt very long to determine the affect of your lights on a clam, you won't know a clam is starving until its dead. Is it worth the loss to find out is what you should ask yourself, the experts recommend MH and so do I.


Bobber I have to disagree. P.C. is more intense than VHO.A Dersa will do better under PC. However the only clam that can thrive under VHO or PC is a Dersa. Not to say they will not benifit from MH.
Ryan if you are talking about a DERSA Clam they will do OK under PC but all clams do better under MH.
IMO Darryl


Most clams I see are normally on the sand bed. Can you, and will they attach to the live rock. And if so, can you place them high up on the rock for better lighting?


Active Member
Mosy clams need to be attached to a base of some kind, this base ie then buried into the sand substrate. Maxima and Crocea clams I know need bases, not sure about squamosa or Dersea clams though.