

we have neither here. have to drive 1/2 hour or more to get any decent seafood.
as far as if they are alive if they are open when you tap them they should close up if they are closed then thats tricky just have to wait till they open.
This site also sells them its a different variety than the stores sell and they are 4.99 I believe.


Active Member
4.99 each is a little outrageous when you can get them for like 7.99 a lb, which adds up to about 6 small ones. You guys seriously though don't have clams at your supermarket fish sections? I don't mean walmart, but a REAL grocery store.
by burping, they spit out the water that they had in them, should be quick. and i had tapped the one that got eaten, and couldn't open it at all, so who knows what happened to it.
if they aren't called littlenecks in your neck of the wood, go to wikipedia and do a search for clams, Mercenaria mercenaria.


the littlenecks i believe are east coast species...i maybe wrong but thats what i think..we have NONE even at our seafood markets!!


Active Member
come visit :) then explain to the carry on checker why you have littlenecks. it will go over just as well as when the guy behind the counter asks why you only want three... sorta odd explaining that one.
seriously though, there are pacific littlenecks as well.


i wanna add some little necks ummm...i love them!!! but isnt it a bad idea to take them and just throw them in...don’t they carry diseases that would mess with a tank. I know we eat them raw, but were a little more resilient to Ick( I know inverts rarely carry them, but just as an example) and other things.


Originally Posted by renogaw
seriously though, there are pacific littlenecks as well.
I live on the gulf of little neckers here :(


4.99 each is a little outrageous when you can get them for like 7.99 a lb, which adds up to about 6 small ones. You guys seriously though don't have clams at your supermarket fish sections? I don't mean walmart, but a REAL grocery store.
nope none they dont even have seafood counters here. kinda sucks too.


I paid the extra money and got some from my LFS. I don't want to catch something from the ocean. I put a number of things from the ocean in my tank when I was younger, lived in CA, and regretted it. Strange things come out of the animal and kill others. I would stick with the ones that the LFS has. I know its a few more dollars, but with the possibility of damaging other things in the tank.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
nope none they dont even have seafood counters here. kinda sucks too.

WOW, that's nuts! hate to highjack, but what do you do for like salmon or tuna, or swordfish, shrimp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfreak4
I paid the extra money and got some from my LFS. I don't want to catch something from the ocean. I put a number of things from the ocean in my tank when I was younger, lived in CA, and regretted it. Strange things come out of the animal and kill others. I would stick with the ones that the LFS has. I know its a few more dollars, but with the possibility of damaging other things in the tank.....

i had to take a double take on this one. where do you think local stores get their product? not all of it is tank raised.
The way clams are farmed now adays, they are pampered. plus they sit on a bed of ice at the grocery store, so there isn't much alive that go in our tanks that can handle that. not to mention that people eat these things raw...they have to pass government guidelines for shell fish in order to be sold. I'd rather have these than something not federally mandated


Cool go get some, and good luck! I just don't put them in my tank. They may have been in the ocean at some point, and yes, we eat all kinds of things. Tuna contains mercury, that doesn't mean I am going to put them in my tank. Do what you want with yours! Don't condemn me for my choices. I am simply stating this is what I do. Many people don't follow good advice on this board. Have fun!


Renogaw, glad you had success with local clams. I thought the warm water of our tanks would kill off the atlantic cold water type clam. I thought the ones sold on this site might be some type more use to warmer climate. I'll hit Price chopper soon and get a pound.
P.S. that urchan is doing great and earning his keep!


Active Member
saltfreek: not condemning, just explaining my thoughts. plus so many others have done the same thing which is what gave me the idea.
dan: great to hear the urchin is doing well :) the last one i kept is about 1.25" in diameter :) and so far so good on the clams, only lost the 1 as far as i know.


New Member
Taking advice here I searched and searched and found these little necks today. Had to buy the bag which has about 2.5 lbs or 20 clams. Is this too many for a 75 gal tank?
My Nitrates are 160 plus and have tried so many things to lower it. If the clams do it and run out of Nitrates will they die? Do I need to feed them something else too?
Thank You in advance!!!!!!


hahaha everyones going clam crazy right now...i wanna add some little necks to my 20 gallon...with my clean up crew