Just checking up, I'm no clam expert but I just wanted to make sure that my clam looks ok. Got it about 1-2 weeks ago and I just wanted to make sure you guys think it looks healthy. It is a bad angle but it is the best I could do with my camera.
No, the lighter blue areas are actually just its coloring. If I had a better camera you could see how beautiful all its different shades of blue make it look. My camera really doesn't do it justice.
Now that is a purdy clam ya got there!!!!!! I think with your lighting you probably are gonna want it up in the rocks somewhere to ensure enough light though. Plus Crocea reside in the rockwork out in the wild. They will actually bore a hole in the rock they are sitting on to anchor themselves.
This may be a dum question but how do I make it stay upright on a rock?? Like wedge it between something? How will it open up if wedge it? Or do I just stick it on a rock and the clam will do the rest?? Sorry may be dum but this is my first clam
So just an update...I put it on a rock, it was nice and happy but I noticed it was moving. It slowly day by day was moving it self into the sand again, now it is back in the same place in the sand . Guess it is more happy in the sand.