Clarkii Clowns


hey ya'll! i have two clarkii clowns in my 75 gal tank, and was just wondering, do all clarkii clowns dig?!?!!
every night tuffy gets beside my doughnut coral and digs a hole so frickin big that when my rents wake up, doughnut usually is fixing to or has fallen in the hole

we have a maroon clown who will "dust" his area, but he hasn't even done this big of a mess, and diffently not over nite. lol


New Member
my clarkii moves the sand around with his tail all the time. I'll assume its to make room for anemone.


Its just typical Clarkii behavior. I find that Clarkiis only dig when they host an anemone that lives in the sand however when Clarkiis host anemones that are rock dwellers such as BTAs or H. Magnificas, they don't dig...obviously.