I have a Clarkii & a Perc clown in my tank, they have been introduced at about the same time & are about the same age. The clarkii loves its sebae & about 5 days ago the perc started going in as well :joy: my clarkii feeds the sebae as well its cool. At about the same time as the perc ,wich is the dominant one but is not agressive at all, started going in the sebae the clarkii was following him around the tank as normal but would stop in front of the perc & would twitch I thought I was seeing things :thinking: but I watched from time to time for a few days & he was twitching in front of the perc!! The perc does not seem to care but cant tell for sure. I know that this happens when they select a mate ( I think) but but how can this happen to a perc & a clarkii?? Can anyone tell me whats happening? I am aware about the dangers of having a clrakii & a perc in the same tank but they have been doing real well.