Class action lawsuit againt Airborne.


Active Member
and honestly, its not the class action suit, or the lawyers that are the problem.
the problem lies within the justice system.
a) the judge allowed this to come to court. like many other rulings, this should have been thrown out of court even before their chairs were warmed up. but judges do not have common sense. they only know law. this would stop the frivilous lawsuits right away. nothing, imo, is more deterring than ponying up $$ for a lawyer to have it thrown out for stupidity in 5 minutes.
free up the courts for more important cases. dont even get my started on appeals court.
b) precedents. this is perhaps the worst thing i have ever heard of (as a citizen) in the legal system. times change, and so do situations. its the whole "if i let 1 person, then i have to let everybody" theory that bothers me. case by case basis.
somebody will probably rebutt me with a long post of facts, but this is just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
and honestly, its not the class action suit, or the lawyers that are the problem.
the problem lies within the justice system.
a) the judge allowed this to come to court. like many other rulings, this should have been thrown out of court even before their chairs were warmed up. but judges do not have common sense. they only know law. this would stop the frivilous lawsuits right away. nothing, imo, is more deterring than ponying up $$ for a lawyer to have it thrown out for stupidity in 5 minutes.
free up the courts for more important cases. dont even get my started on appeals court.
b) precedents. this is perhaps the worst thing i have ever heard of (as a citizen) in the legal system. times change, and so do situations. its the whole "if i let 1 person, then i have to let everybody" theory that bothers me. case by case basis.
somebody will probably rebutt me with a long post of facts, but this is just my opinion.
Well said my friend!!


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i have the box in front of me. it says nowhere does it cure any colds.
did word of mouth live it up to the hype of curing colds?
ha !
didnt think about that one..
i hope everyone is aware that this suit was filed in 2006. the labels, claims, and advertising changed back then as a result of this. here's a portion of the article from cnn.
Airborne changed their advertising campaign when a plaintiff filed suit against the company in March 2006.
That came after an ABC News report disclosed that the company's clinical trials were not conducted by doctors or scientists, but instead carried out by two laypeople.
Advertisements stopped mentioning the study and cold-curing claims and instead touted claims that it helped boost the body's immune systems.
In late 2006 the CSPI joined the suit as co-counsel against Airborne and in 2007 the Federal Trade Commission and an assembly of state attorney generals began investigating the firm's cold-curing claims professed since its creation in 1999.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fromoe
i hope everyone is aware that this suit was filed in 2006. the labels, claims, and advertising changed back then as a result of this. here's a portion of the article from cnn.
i was not.
i never heard of this stuff until last year.


oh come on - a cure for the common cold??? get serious! take your $7 loss as a momentary lack of judgement and roll with it, don't harass the company! these lawsuits are getting to be a cop-out for too many people. and for those that bought this product expecting it to work I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I'm looking to sell (to quote George Strait...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
and for those that bought this product expecting it to work :
It actually helps my wife deal with colds. She is around kids all over the west half of the country and won't leave home without some.


Active Member
Things like this are insane...Wow...$7 down the drain...Live and learn...Might work for you and might not...The American dream used to be Work Hard and live a nice comfy life...Then it went to Win the Lotto, sadly for us now its...Lets all Sue people for our own Incompetance..

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
and honestly, its not the class action suit, or the lawyers that are the problem.
the problem lies within the justice system.
a) the judge allowed this to come to court. like many other rulings, this should have been thrown out of court even before their chairs were warmed up. but judges do not have common sense. they only know law. this would stop the frivilous lawsuits right away. nothing, imo, is more deterring than ponying up $$ for a lawyer to have it thrown out for stupidity in 5 minutes.
free up the courts for more important cases. dont even get my started on appeals court.
b) precedents. this is perhaps the worst thing i have ever heard of (as a citizen) in the legal system. times change, and so do situations. its the whole "if i let 1 person, then i have to let everybody" theory that bothers me. case by case basis.
somebody will probably rebutt me with a long post of facts, but this is just my opinion.
I agree with most of this, but I do blaim the lawyers and the class action suit as well. We are a country of laws that most people agree make this country great. But, the common sense of people..the plantiffs and the lawyers and the judges all have to questioned in this manner.


Originally Posted by fromoe
i hope everyone is aware that this suit was filed in 2006. the labels, claims, and advertising changed back then as a result of this. here's a portion of the article from cnn.
According to that website theres another hearing this summer.
And yes, I am aware there is no cure for the cold. Thats what the lawsuit is saying Airborne claims. Not me.