Classic horror movies

el guapo

Active Member
Who loves the classics ? Bella Lugosi, Boris Karloff , Vincent Price .
I find them all so much better than this new stuff they call horror . There is so much more to them then this new stuff .


Active Member
The friggin Aadams family was more scary than some of these newer movies.
The crawling hand was cool.


Active Member
+1 remember seeing the Wolfman with Lon Chaney Jr. on a program called Shock Theater we I was young and being scared out of my PJ's.


Active Member
The scariest movie I remember was the movie "Dolls", I was probably 8 and way to young to be watching it but to this day dolls freak me out. I watched bits and pieces of it a few years ago and it was the dumbest thing I had ever seen, but when I was 8 I was scared out of my mind

+1 on horror movies being crap these days, somehow disturbing violence is the new horror

el guapo

Active Member
I left out Christopher Lee
I flipped on TCM last night and noticed they are playing spooky movies . Its great . So good it inspired me to change my avatar .


Active Member
Something about those old black and white horror movies.
Anyone remember Fright Night with Seymour?

el guapo

Active Member
I don't remember Fright Night with Seymour . We used to stay up and watch Elvira mistress of the macabre on Saturday nights at midnight.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I don't know if you would consider The Exorcist a classic,but it is by far the scariest friggin movie Ive ever seen.

I think a few movies from that time period can be put into the classics category. The Exorcist is definitely one of them . To this day it still scares people .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I don't remember Fright Night with Seymour . We used to stay up and watch Elvira mistress of the macabre on Saturday nights at midnight.
I am pretty sure Elvira stole her schtick from Seymour. Pretty much the same deal

el guapo

Active Member
Yeah . I had no doubts that Elvira was just ripping off somebody . That whole shtick is awesome though . Thats just one of the things missing from modern television


Active Member
The crawling eye was great .... watch out for any cloud moving down a mountain!
Then there was "Plan 9 From Outer Space".... so corny that it was great.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Anyone remember Fright Night with Seymour?
Stayed up late every Saturday night just to watch. Loved it.
The scariest movie I saw as a kid was "Hill House" (I think). It was so scary, I couldn't even go by myself into the kitchen to get a drink. (Saw it again a couple of years ago. Somehow, it wasn't so scary anymore.


Growing up in So. Cal., we used to watch "Chiller" every Saturday night. (This was pre- Seymour and Elvira).
They should all the "B" horror films from the 50's and early 60's. For a 7 - 10 yr. old, these movies were quite scary. Boy the nightmares I used to have!