Classic newb mistake-need help fast!!!!


Active Member
OK, I will admit it. In our adventure into saltwater fish, we got overwhelmed when we entered P**co to buy our first fish for our cycled 55 gallon. We were suckered into the notion that you can have as many clowns as you want as long as they are the same type. I know, I know, never trust an LFS advice. Anyways, we have 4 false percs and they have done wonderful for the last month and a half but now the one is running the two smaller ones around the tank. We are looking at the best possible way to remedy the situation with the fish best interest in heart so we are looking at setting up a 25 gallon to move the smaller percs into. I don't want them suffering, the LFS won't take them back, and it breaks my heart to see them not getting along. So, my question is, if we take a piece of lr, some ls, and water from our already cycled 55 gallon and place it in the 25 gallon, will this decrease the cycle time so we can get these little guys safe and sound in less time? Also, since this wasn't exactly in our budget, what is the minimum we need to get it going as quick as possible? Obviously, the tank, heater, thermometer, ls, lr but would we need to do a skimmer right away or can we add this down the road a few weeks? Will a hob filter suffice for in the beginning with a power head to help circulation? We would want to make this 25 into a reef in the distant future so we want to get the right products along the way but want to also get it set up and running as fast as possible with the situation at hand. Please, any and all advice is appreciated!!!


If you use LR that's aready cured, it will signifiocantly decrease the cycle time. A HOB filter will also suffice. Since you can't put on a protein skimmer yet, there is a helpful alternative...when you perform your water changes, turn your syphon hose upside down and try to get the surface water out. That'll help with the actual proteins.
Clowns are pretty hardy with water conditions so you should be OK. Getting them away from the more aggressive clowns is more important. HTH


not really sure about setting up the 29 gal, but could you try a differant fish store. I have taken fish to other stores for credit. maybe if you tell them whats gong on, they would take them


Active Member
Thank you so much for your quick replies. I am hoping to head to town to get the supplies tomorrow and get this set up so we can give our babes a good home. I will definitely look for a tank divider so they can have peace and quiet till the tank is ready. Great idea. Tizzo, how cool is that about the siphoning, would have never thought of that. Thank you for the reassurement and answers as far as the equipment. Will let you know how it all goes. Any thing else I should be aware of or get?


Active Member
Not sure if you know this or not so I will tell you. All clowns are born male and then the dominant clown will turn into the female. The reason I am telling you this is thay I agree you should only have 2 clowns in your tank, however that may not stop the fighting. I had 2 clowns that were best buds, then after about a month and a half they started to fight. They even had a trial separation for awhile and hung out on other ends of the tank. They finally made up and once again are friends. Yes one of the clowns is bigger than the other and this is the female.
Just so you don't panic when you separate your clowns and one keeps bullying the other, that is just nature at work.

sinner's girl


but now the one is running the two smaller ones around the tank.
Are you sure there is a problem?
Is the one running around a bit bigger? It might just be a female establishing it's dominance, which you're going to get in any size tank. I had a pair, the female would pick on the little one, it was normal and natural, but no damage was done.
So, unless there is damage to the other fish, I wouldn't worry about setting up another tank, esp don't rush anything.
Didn't see Scotts reply when I posted...


Active Member
2 of them are relatively the same size and hang out all the time together. Sometimes you see them doing their "dominance dance" as we call it in the house but thats it. The two noticeably smaller ones get chased by the one big one and sometimes the 2 big ones even gang up on the small ones. It has gotten to the point that one small one stays behind the skimmer and the other stays under a rock. They come out at feeding time only to be chased. I feed them on opposite sides of the tank and have to use the handle of my net to keep them seperated so the little ones get food. We have been keeping the lights on minimally to quell the chasing but know that is not a long term option. This has been going on about 4-5 days. Do you think I should give it more time? What do you think I should do? Again, any and all advice is very much appreciated. I can't believe how awesome all of you are.


p** co is so awful, the one by me has tanks filled with red slime, even the fish and inverts
have it on them!.