Clean sand bed?


Active Member
the star is also doing a great job eating the inverts in the sand
and scubanole
if you have lr, i would only use 2 conchs(fighting), they should not be used at more than 1 per 2 sq feet of sand surface
queens get upto and over 12 inches(slow, but why replace them later)
snails, as for the det kit, which would include mini and micro brittle stars, if you add it b4 any fish,and give them 3 weeks or so to establish(they reccommed at least 2) tehy will multiplay and be enough
the snails, all depend on which ones you get, and even if there is a good scientific guess, i can't help, i have 7 nassarius,in my 75(and am thinking a few more, so 10 may be a good starting point), i think this after giving them a couple of weeks to see how well they are doing(not days)same with the bumble bee sanils, just get a couple and if you need more, get them
this is the rule i follow, jsut wait enough to see, i would rather do that than have them starve because they are doing too good of a job


Sorry I forgot about this post. Fshhub gave you some good advice. The only change I'd make is forgetting the bumblee snails...they are carnivours and eat the good stuff in your sand bed


fshhub, where can I get the mini and micro brittle stars, and the dertivore kit. If they can be ordered online please email me at


hey i was just wondering, i got a 55 gallon tank and bought 30lbs live sand in it. About four days later i bought 20 lbs of dead sand and placed it in the tank over the live sand. Then i kinda use my hands to mix the sand up a little. Is this bad for my sand? i hope i didn't kill all the beneficial bacterias that was on the live sand. =(